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« Headed to the lake | Main | Memory Monday: Ephesians 3:14-21 »


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Have a wonderful time! Tell you mom I said, "Hi!" Remember to not make too many lists while you're away....relax and enjoy the down time, friend!

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

I was just thinking about you! Have a wonderful time!!!


Kim Feth

Enjoy! I've always wanted to do a big puzzle on a vacation. Maybe you've inspired me to do just that!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Sounds awesome! By the way, what are some things you must have on you when you travel on the plane? Do you also carry a travel journal?

Marla Taviano

That is SO FUN!!


I see a Cam Jansen book. :) My kids enjoy those books too. Have a great vacation.

Dawn W

I felt myself sigh and relax just reading your post. Our vaction starts three weeks from yesterday... and we're so, so ready for it!

Enjoy yourselves!!!


Sounds wonderful - and looks like it too. I've never been any farther west than Texas - so I would love to see these parts of the county one day. I've been from Louisiana to Michigan, and lots to the east of that, but only west once to Texas.

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