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I'm on Level 2 and day 7- I didn't even know anyone else was doing this. Day 2 was brutal here too! Good luck!


Oh man, that lady scares me!

Good luck with it all though!

Kim Feth

I've been looking locally to buy the DVD, where did you get yours? I love the watch the show. My husband (who has lost 100 lbs in the past year) wants to know if she yells at you to get off the couch and start working out.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Oh, the pain of the stairs!

Dedra Herod

Just finished Day 2 of Shred. I can hardly type I hurt so much. But! She is right and it will get better. Right Joanne? Pls say it will be okay! PLEASE!?! Love ya - Dedra


Oh man, I'm ::THIS:: close to buying the DVD because I've heard SO many people talking about it! I've never been good with sticking to workout videos in the past though, so I'm still not quite convinced. It sure does seem to be an incredible fitness tool, though. Keep it up!!


All the best with it! (:

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

Hey Joanne,

Today we are roaming about the Springs, if you'd like to meet up somewhere--movie, dinner or such. Just call my cell phone and we'll try and meet up. In the morning we're headed out at 7:45 am to make their flight.

Love you, friend!


This is all over FB! I'm tempted to give it a shot. Day 8 and looser shorts? What a testimony!

I have to admit that lately I've hoped that maybe I'm pregnant again, and that would explain the weight gain. But, um, NO. ;)


I have been doing "JM" (as we call it at our house) for about 2 months and it is AMAZING. I love love love it. Just ordered her other video on NETFLIX to check it out! GO GIRL!!!!

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