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Amy Nabors

thank you sharing this. what a blessing it was for me to read this this evening.


Hanging on over here...

Fingernails clinging to the edge...

(I love The Message. It truly brings the Word alive to my heart.)

Barbara Watkins

I love your blog Joanne, it's very important to me because I get so much inspiration, joy, and guidance from it every day. And please know I am praying for you to be blessed with all you stand in need of. I love the prayer in Jan Karon's books, the characters call it the prayer that never fails and they always pray it when things are the most dire. Their prayer truly is the prayer that never fails and it is something like this:
" Dear Heavenly Father, you know my every need and I pray for your help, and most of all I pray that your will be done."
Love, Barbara


Thank you for sharing your comments. I enjoyed reading this morning prior to starting my work day. I will keep you in prayer. :)


WOW...thanks...that's so right on for our family right now too!

Jan Morton

Hey my friend...what a blessing this morning. I too, NEEDED this reminder.

I heard Dr. David Jeremiah say just this morning that a lot of women spend more time concerned with and working on the "outside" which WILL fade, rather than investing on the "inside" which will produce much fruit.

He used Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceitful and beauty is fading, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised."

You are a blessing!
Georgia Jan


Wow....sometimes the Message sure does hit it home.

Kim Feth

Oh yeah, needed that. Especially after helping to do the math to know which of my co-workers we can't re-hire after the end of this school year. Really, really, really needed that one.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

The NON-Superwoman

So glad you shared this. Needed this reminder so very much.

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