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« Ozarkland | Main | Memory Monday on Tuesday morning »


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clean sheets, my own pillow. That's it....,my bed.


My own bed. My Black Cat and Red Dog to sleep with. The peace and quiet and slower paoce of home.

Beth Whitney

Welcome home!

I started timing my girls showers-we are on a meter.However, I don't turn the water off! My dad used to knock on the door and yell "water shortage"-that meant "time's up!" :)

Jennifer Perry

I have to say my own bed.....


I love when I walk in the door, just smelling MY house smell. The smells of home. I do also love my bed!


Those first ten minutes back home are the very best.


definitely my own bed.
that was some serious driving you did.


I miss the privacy of my own room...I'm a bit of an introvert, I must say. Glad you are all home safe & sound. (-:

Kim Feth

Glad you're home safe and had a great vacation. Prayerfully, God has allowed you to store up some of that relaxation, as I'm sure you'll need it in the coming weeks. FYI - if you buy one of those new-fangled water heaters - they heat water as you need it; they don't heat and then store a limited amount. So, you always have all the hot water you need. That alone is reason to want one of those!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


Welcome home.


Hot showers are THE BEST...I prefer the lobster skin look when I get out :-)


glad you had a great week and made it home safely.

i love coming home to my own bed and shower. and it's even better if i managed to get the house all clean before i left.


Absolutely my OWN bed, my OWN pillow, my OWN comforter...hands down! Glad you made it home safe...


Sleeping in my own bed!!!

Kimberly Smith

Welcome home. I actually was going to participate in Memorization Monday today. I am sure you are vacation recovery mode today so I will do it anyway...and if you post a Memorization Monday I will do it again. I must say I have enjoyed memorizing this week. A summer women's Bible study pushed me over the edge to memorize. Being a homeschool mom attending a women's Bible study is a real treat. Here it goes

For whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must he must seek peace and pursue it. I Peter 3:10-11

I missed this
turn from evil and do good;

I will try again later


Oh without a doubt, a nice long hot shower is usually one of the first things I do when I get home from traveling. It is so relaxing.

I also have my post up for Memory Monday and am finishing up a rather lengthy passage that I've been working on even though I haven't done a Memory Monday post for a few weeks. We recently moved and then we've been getting settled and all. So I've had a lot on my plate. This week I am going to finish up this portion of Scripture I've been working on for a few weeks.

Hope you have a great week!

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