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Dawn W

What a fun place for a girls' night out! We have a similar place (minus the great views you have!) that we often choose for our nights.

Amen on the girlfriend stuff! And and extra amen (!!!) for the hubbies that "get it" and encourage that time. I'm blessed in that way, too.

So glad you're getting to have some fun times amidst all the hustle and bustle of preparing for your move.



Oh that looks so beautiful, relaxing and yummy!

Kim Morgan

This post could not have been more timely or more needed - thank you for sharing. You fed my soul from a few thousand miles away. THANKS!

Kim . . . who is
Grafted by Grace

and craving some serious girlfriend fellowship right now.


do you take your camera everywhere?

Holly B.

Looks like an amazing place! How I miss my girlfriends(God has provided a couple of friends her in Paris for whom I am grateful)!


OMW - I wanna be in your secret club!! lol! Seriously though - friends are just about the most amazing asset we women are blessed with. I know this is a bittersweet time for you and I'm thrilled you had such a wonderful evening with such wonderful friends at a TOTALLY cool place! LOVE the pics!

Kimberly Smith

The red wine looks wonderful. I had the best glass of wine ever a month ago. It was a red zinfandel. I never knew their was red zinfandel. It is the first press from the zinfandel grapes...the blush is a later press. Full body with a chocolate taste. Speaking of girl time...we will be in Pheonix for Thanksgiving...maybe we can hook-up if you will be in town for the holiday.

Also there is a cool website I just start to use call It uses regional yahoo groups so people can give stuff away free or ask for stuff free. Helps us not throw-away usable stuff and be frugal. Nothing can be sold only given away. Have to check it out after the move. Hang it there it will feel so good to be organzied when it is done...just hard in the process.


Love you too! The pictures are amazing.... and yes from above she does take her camera everywhere :) Thanks Joanne! It is always refreshing to my soul to spend time with you and Yvette. You guys are the best!


Sounds like my kind of break! Glad to have found your blog.

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