Last night I went out with Kristin and Yvette--they're the gals with whom I have secret club meetings (staying in our pajamas and watching movies all day while our kids are at school).
We went to Indulge--and if you live in south Denver, you might want to make a reservation soon.
We sat outside on the patio--they have couches and fire pits out there--and watched the sun set over the mountains, drank a glass of wine, ate some yummy food, and chatted. For four hours!
While things like chocolate-orange fondue and Brie with a balsamic reduction may be an indulgence, friendship is not. It's a necessity, a staple of life.
I am blessed to have such great friends and have been thinking about that as I've been saying goodbye (or "See you soon!") to many of them. Making time to be a friend and to have friends is a necessary part of life.
As busy women, I think sometimes that we think we don't have time to have friends. To get together, to hang out with our girlfriends.
But having friends with whom to share life doesn't take away from my family, instead it enriches it. My friends challenge me to grow and change, to be authentic and honest, to be a better mother, a better wife, a better person.
So go make some time for your friends today. Send a note in the mail, make a phone call, meet for coffee, or at the park, or for dinner. Call someone who may not be a friend--yet--and invite her to come over for a cup of tea.
And thanks, gals, for a great time last night. I love you both!
What a fun place for a girls' night out! We have a similar place (minus the great views you have!) that we often choose for our nights.
Amen on the girlfriend stuff! And and extra amen (!!!) for the hubbies that "get it" and encourage that time. I'm blessed in that way, too.
So glad you're getting to have some fun times amidst all the hustle and bustle of preparing for your move.
Posted by: Dawn W | June 18, 2009 at 07:31 AM
Oh that looks so beautiful, relaxing and yummy!
Posted by: Kristy | June 18, 2009 at 08:30 AM
This post could not have been more timely or more needed - thank you for sharing. You fed my soul from a few thousand miles away. THANKS!
Kim . . . who is
Grafted by Grace
and craving some serious girlfriend fellowship right now.
Posted by: Kim Morgan | June 18, 2009 at 11:00 AM
do you take your camera everywhere?
Posted by: chapmanchick | June 18, 2009 at 08:03 PM
Looks like an amazing place! How I miss my girlfriends(God has provided a couple of friends her in Paris for whom I am grateful)!
Posted by: Holly B. | June 19, 2009 at 03:02 AM
OMW - I wanna be in your secret club!! lol! Seriously though - friends are just about the most amazing asset we women are blessed with. I know this is a bittersweet time for you and I'm thrilled you had such a wonderful evening with such wonderful friends at a TOTALLY cool place! LOVE the pics!
Posted by: Staci | June 19, 2009 at 06:03 AM
The red wine looks wonderful. I had the best glass of wine ever a month ago. It was a red zinfandel. I never knew their was red zinfandel. It is the first press from the zinfandel grapes...the blush is a later press. Full body with a chocolate taste. Speaking of girl time...we will be in Pheonix for Thanksgiving...maybe we can hook-up if you will be in town for the holiday.
Also there is a cool website I just start to use call It uses regional yahoo groups so people can give stuff away free or ask for stuff free. Helps us not throw-away usable stuff and be frugal. Nothing can be sold only given away. Have to check it out after the move. Hang it there it will feel so good to be organzied when it is done...just hard in the process.
Posted by: Kimberly Smith | June 19, 2009 at 07:09 AM
Love you too! The pictures are amazing.... and yes from above she does take her camera everywhere :) Thanks Joanne! It is always refreshing to my soul to spend time with you and Yvette. You guys are the best!
Posted by: KristinF | June 19, 2009 at 09:07 AM
Sounds like my kind of break! Glad to have found your blog.
Posted by: Linn | June 23, 2009 at 03:06 PM