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Dawn W

I love this passage and it was neat to have you break it down like this. I have to do that occasionally, too, otherwise it's too much info packed into one passage and I end up missing big chunks.



Deconstructing Paul.... maybe a new book title?


Thanks for this- what a great lesson on dissecting scripture!


I love the NKJV of 1:13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

Convey-carried. Makes this very personal and visual to think of God carrying us as a man carries his son Deut 1:31 from the power of darkness into the kingdome of the Son of His love.


Marla Taviano

Oooh, I vote yes on the new book title! :)


This was a good exercise for me when reading scripture - thanks!

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