Better late than never, right?
After another week, I've got my passage from Ephesians down! And I'm ready to move onto a short one for this next week.
O LORD Almighty,
blessed is the [wo]man who trusts in you.
Psalm 84:12
Here's what I love. Blessed here means "happy." Want to be happy? Trust God. That's the secret. With trust in God, we lose fear, we gain courage, we're free to obey, we find happiness.
A lot of truth packed into a little verse!
Yes, I need that! I will have to memorize this one on my next time around - on the 15th!
Posted by: Kristy | June 09, 2009 at 07:44 AM
Love that verse too. Trust is key to so many things.
I posted my verse yesterday, it was fresh in my mind and I didn't want to lose it:) Hope you are enjoying being back home!
Posted by: Tammy S. | June 09, 2009 at 03:06 PM
AMEN! I will say that trust in God is what has carried me through the last 9 years. You are right, that trust has freed me from my fear, given me courage and though its taken a long time, I am finding happiness now.
God bless you all with happiness!
Posted by: Chris | June 15, 2009 at 07:19 PM