I never really picked a verse for last week, just kept waiting for one to pick me.
The prayer book had me in Psalm 8 last week, and I've been keeping my NIV/Message parallel Bible handy. So I was struck by verse 1 in The Message:
GOD, brilliant Lord,
yours is a household name.
As I've been packing up and feeling really sad about leaving my home (and all of our furniture and treasures) behind, I've been chewing on this verse.
As I pray for wisdom about what to pack and what to store and what to leave out for the family who'll be living here next year, I've been thinking that what's most important about our home--here and the house we'll be living in in Phoenix--is that it is ultimately God who makes it into a home.
That he is what defines our household. He is what binds it all together. Everything else is just stuff.
All the same, I've been struggling a bit these past few days. Especially at night when I'm tired--and I'm tired. (Walking all the way upstairs from the basement a million times a day--usually hefting a box or two--is taking it out of me.)
Audrey and I were snuggling last night and talking about when our heads and hearts don't match. When we know one thing, but feel something else.
"Which one do we follow?" she asked. Good question.
We talked about how God gave us both--head and heart--for a purpose. And that being wise means learning to balance the two--even when they don't match. And that above all, having them in conflict points out our desperate need to ask God to help us make wise decisions.
In my head I know that this move is something God planned. And therefore will be good. In my head, I know that having our friends live here is also God planned--an incredible display of his perfect timing.
In my heart, I've been sad and tired and discouraged.
And the PMS isn't helping.
For next week, I'm thinking I'm going to learn what Michelle sent me the other day. (Michelle, I can't tell you how much your comment encouraged me. Thanks for taking the time to pass on to me how God has encouraged you.)
(Just as an aside, re-gifting encouragement is always a good idea!)
Psalm 46:5
God is within her, she will not fall:
God will help her at break of day.
Having taken hermeneutics this past semester, I know that taking this and applying it to me is taking it out of context. The psalm is talking about Jerusalem, God's holy city. But when we search the rest of Scripture, we can see that it applies to us as individuals as well.
Through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, God is within me. And because of that, I will not fall. And when I get up at the break of day to meet with the Father, he is always there to meet me and help me with whatever I'm facing.
Oops. This has gotten a little long. Thanks for listening. I would dearly covet your prayers--for my heart to match my head!
And if you did Memory Monday this week, leave a link. If you want to join in, click on the button on the right--it'll tell you everything you need to know.
Praying for you in this area, Joanne (for me, too)! Love the Scripture that you shared. Hugs from Paris!
Posted by: Holly B. | June 22, 2009 at 07:57 AM
I'm glad you were blessed by the Psalm...I've been saying it all week to myself. (And thank you for the link!) I had to look up hermeneutics...I had no idea what that meant. Don't you just love, though, how multi-faceted God's word is? How one thing can mean SO MANY things...and can be applied in SO MANY ways...and how He will lead us right where He wants us. I have to say...I'm usually relating a whole lot more to the Israelites...it was nice to know that I was relating to the Holy City for once! Have a great day...take it easy on yourself. xo
Posted by: Michelle | June 22, 2009 at 08:00 AM
I've got my Memory Monday post up. I look forward to coming back and reading everyone else's post for this week.
Posted by: Karen | June 22, 2009 at 09:05 AM
It's so nice to be back to Memory Monday! I missed everyone! I hope that everyone has a fantastic week! Happy memorizing to all of you!
Posted by: Wife of Rob | June 22, 2009 at 07:53 PM
Oops...forgot to leave my URL!
Posted by: Wife of Rob | June 22, 2009 at 07:54 PM
I can so totally relate with your moving situation and with the head and heart matching up. I talked on my blog about my struggle with our moving but also knowing it was the right thing. Here's the link to that post:
In that post, I am reflecting on my memory verse for last week for Memory Monday. Maybe it will encourage you. I hope it does.
Take care,
Posted by: Karen | June 22, 2009 at 09:22 PM