I was thinking I'd tackle my desk in the packing plans for tomorrow. But as I sit here and see a pile of magazines by the window, the iron on my coffee table, the breakfast table piled with boxes, coolers sitting by the back door, and so on, I think I need to get everything that's half done totally done first.
It makes me feel stressed to have stuff everywhere. And now that we've arranged the basement for storage and the garage for piles for the trailer we'll haul and for each car we'll drive, I really can finish packing a box and then put it where it needs to go.
There's nothing on the calendar tomorrow, so I'm hoping to make some good progress.
Luckily the dining room is empty and clear, so we can sit down and eat dinner in peace!
Oh moving. Having piles of stuff all over really stresses me out. Having everything out of order does something to my brain - and it is not good!
Posted by: Kristy | June 18, 2009 at 10:46 PM
Here's to hoping you have a sonic or a starbucks nearby... :)
Posted by: Laura | June 19, 2009 at 07:11 AM
Girl, we have moved more than I care to talk about. Understand the stress of it all - especially when it's only temporary and partial!
Obviously I'm praying this huge THING you are doing will be abundantly blessed by our God. I read back through your last few posts and loved your thoughts on trust. One of my lexicons states it as 'the assurance we will not have the rug pulled out from underneath us'. Oh Joanne, I know you know God better than that. He's not setting you up to fall. Better yet, He's setting up a divine SHOW UP. I can't wait to behold all the wonders He will work through your and Toben's willingness to follow Him into the unknown.
I love you dear friend and just wanted you to know you were in my heart more than usual today..
Posted by: Lisa @ The PW | June 19, 2009 at 04:10 PM
It can be unbelievably stressful to see cluttered stuff everywhere, particularly when you are moving. When my family moved in last year, I temporarily stored some of our things in a self storage facility. This made the process of moving in much easier and faster because there wasn’t any clutter to get in the way. Why don’t you try storing your important things in a self storage unit, next time you plan to move?
Posted by: Ericka Muldowney | October 22, 2012 at 07:52 AM
Organize your things first. It’s easier to pack when you have a better view of your stuff. Like what Ericka said, maybe you can, or rather you should, have a self-storage unit to store your valuables so that you will have more space at home.
Posted by: Erik Littles | October 30, 2012 at 06:44 AM
Ask for a friend’s help if you feel stressed with the mess. That is what I actually did when I moved here in my new house a couple of months ago. I assume that you’re enjoying your stay in your new home as of today. I’m glad that you made it; I also wish that you’ll have more friends in the neighborhood and have a nice stay for years to come.
Posted by: Elias Madden | November 21, 2012 at 07:31 AM