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How much vineagar is that? I need to be as frugal as possible. Just signed the boy up for a big trip next year. Big trips = big dollars.


yea, i'd like to know ,too-how much vinegar??
i like the smell of vinegar-weird huh?


Congrats on 'green' cleaning!!! I will have to give this one a try!
My FAVORITE (been using it for over three years) all purpose 'windex' style cleaner is:
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup scented rubbing alcohol (I use wintergreen scented and you buy it in the pharmacy section... I buy mine at the dollar store)

I use a recycled windex bottle. Put in the vinegar and rubbing alcohol then fill up the rest of the way with water. The scented rubbing alcohol does two things: removes the vinegar smell and speeds dry time to avoid streaks.

To use to was windows simply up the amount of rubbing alcohol to 3/4 cup.... Works GREAT!!!!!!!!!

Joanne (The Simple Wife)

Put the Dawn in your spray bottle and then fill it the rest of the way up with white vinegar. Not sure how much vinegar that is, but a small bottle of vinegar will be plenty.


I use this all the time...It works great!


I've used a recipe similar to this but it's 2 tbsp Dawn dish soap, 2 tsp white vinegar, and 2 tbsp ammonia, with about 1 cup tap water. Mix well, it will foam, it's great for upholstery and carpets in the car and great for cleaning around the house too. Make sure you do a spot test first. But I love it, I won't use anything else from now on.

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