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We have a laundry line outside and I've been using that to help save money. Today it was rainy so I had to do some laundry in the dryer. Before we moved here, my husband actually hung a laundry line between the doors of the closet where our washer and dryer was in our apartment. I would just hang dry clothes inside. It saved us a good bit of money on our electric bill!

Have a great weekend!

linda t

Sometimes I'm actually taking down the last load while hanging up the next load. They dry so fast! One of the perks of living in this heat!
And not only an energy saver... but your clothes will look better longer. Drying clothes in the dryer is so hard on fabrics.
Have a super, great weekend Joanne!

Dawn W

I put all leftover veggies (drained of any juice, butter, etc.) in a freezer storage container and stick it in the freezer. I continue to add to it until the container is full. Then I put the veggies in the crockpot (frozen), add a large container of broth (whatever I happen to have), cut up chicken or beaf (if I have it), add some spices... voila! Soup! I also try to throw a batch of bread in the breadmaker that same morning. Instant meal! Really great in the winter, but good even for summer days when I'm going to be out and about, or don't want to heat up the kitchen cooking.


Yeah, as a former Phoenix-er, your light bill will thank you for using a line to dry. Line drying in MO just's way, some days when a front moves in, maybe. The best thing about Phoenix is winter and that fascinating botanical garden and mountains to climb, in winter, of course. I enjoy peeking into your world. Enjoy homeschooling!!

Bethany Peters

Oh how I've missed your Frugal Fridays!

So is that line sturdy enough to hold an entire load of laundry? Do you just attach the end to a hook or something? I have been wanting a clothesline for awhile now--could it be this easy and cheap?!?!?

Could you post a pic of all your clothes on the line? I am ignorant about how this whole clothesline thing works.

Kimberly S.

My mom loves her laundry line. Here in the Houston humidity and pollens I am hesitant to dry outside because of our allergies. Start now to look for "school lunch goodies on sale with coupons". We homeschool so the one day a week we go to co-op I try to make the lunches fun for my kids.
Another saver if you have a mis print page flip it over and print on the other side...try in print in black and white more often.


Good for you!

Line drying saves so much green house gas too, not to mention all those pennies!

In Australia we all dry our washing on these huge washing lines called hills hoists. If it's windy they dry quicker than when you put them in the dryer, especially the sheets.

Glad to see how well you guys are settling in!



I have a question. What is washing soda? Is it Arm and Hammer detergent? Liquid or powder? And, when you let the detergent "sit" for 24 hours to gel, what do you let it sit in? Could you pour it into a big container (like the kind laudry detergent comes in), or should it be in an open container like a pot?



I'm going to try making this laundry soap.... What are "essential oils" and where would I find them?

I also found a link to make homemade fabric softener:

Have you (or any of your readers) tried this? I'm curious to know if it works. I remember from when I lived in Phoenix that the water is incredibly hard, and fabric softeners really helped....



i've been line-drying my clothes for about 6 months now and love it. i live in a humid climate, so sometimes it will take up to 24 hrs for clothes to dry, but we also have lots of wind which is great for taking out wrinkles. i've heard that drying clothes indoors will add humidity to your house if you need that - like maybe in the winter. thanks for your great ideas!

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