We've talked about this year in Phoenix as being set apart, a gift, an opportunity to do some things differently in our family. Celebrating biblical holidays, homeschooling, unplugging the television. (More on that here.)
And I mentioned that I'd thought about unplugging the television, but didn't say anything out loud for fear that my family would run for the hills and leave me behind in the dust. When Toben brought it up, I about fell over.
So here we are--three weeks into life without television. And it's good. Really, really good.
(If you asked the girls about it, they'd complain and moan and tell you it's horrible, awful, terrible, torture. But in the day to day, they don't talk about, don't mention it, don't seem to miss it at all!)
No TV means we could arrange our living room with conversation and people being the focus, not being able to see the television. And the room feels much bigger arranged that way. There's space to sit and talk and even lots of floor space to play.
No TV means our home is quiet. We do have music playing from time to time, but for the most part, it's just quiet. Calm. Peaceful. Restful. Toben comments on it at least once every couple of days.
No TV means more reading. More games. More playing with the few toys we brought. It means listening to books on tape (we've listened to all the AG Felicity books as well as Harriet the Spy so far and have some new ones from the library in the line-up).
No TV means that we're all together more, rather than some of us watching one television and others watching something else on another computer. It means finding something to do, rather than flipping it on just because.
Eleven television-free years here and no regrets! I'm so proud of you all!
Posted by: Kimberly | July 22, 2009 at 12:43 PM
First, the picture is adorable. I did not know you had a beagle! Looks like my Abby-girl lying there.
I would like to think that I could live without the television, but I just don't know. I'm really the only tv addict in our house. My husband never watches tv and my son rarely watches. They do both like to watch dvd's though and we'd have to have a tv for that. My goal right now is to only watch what I have put on my dvr list and to not just mindlessly surf the channels. If I could get that far I'd be happy.
Posted by: Mary | July 22, 2009 at 01:11 PM
That is great...after the kids and I spent a whole day watching TV (QUBO) yesterday. My kids (7,5,3) were up really late for two nights. So mommy made an exception. We only have a TV with rabbit ears and a converter box. Have you cut out the DVD player too? TV is such a time waster and mostly a drainer too. No TV will be great for homeschooling.
Posted by: Kimberly | July 22, 2009 at 02:13 PM
That's so great! We have been without TV since January and its the best thing for our family!! The furniture rearrangement was the best!! The games we have played and the conversations we have has have been wonderful! We don't even miss it anymore!!
Posted by: Laura | July 22, 2009 at 03:04 PM
Sounds good as I'm sitting here listening to Oprah on my bedroom tv, Cartoon Network out on the family room tv, my sons iPod blasting Red Hot Chili Peppers and the clicking of his Wii controller ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Unplugged? I think my family would keel over!
Posted by: Michelle | July 22, 2009 at 04:29 PM
I love it. I would do the same if my family wouldn't run for the hills!
Adorable picture.
I can only imagine the serenity from here!
Posted by: Kristy | July 22, 2009 at 06:58 PM
I am kind of jealous. We have done TV free weeks at our house, but never a time period longer than a week. It would be hard for my kids at first, Chris would probably go into shock and I would miss Law and Order re-runs for a few days.
I am so glad to read that you are all settled and doing well in your new home. I am even more excited to read about your year of adventures in homeschooling.
I miss commenting and emailing with you more often friend. Take care.
Posted by: Lisa R-p | July 22, 2009 at 08:02 PM
Nice picture! Is it by any chance according to this order --> Audrey--Emma--You ?
Posted by: Puva | July 22, 2009 at 11:29 PM
We're getting ready to go 'cable free' due to financial reasons. And that change is bringing angst to my crowd. I have to admit, to me also. But one of our friends was telling us that pretty much anything you can watch on TV you can see online w/i a day or so. But I think having to go online and find it will mean that I (prayerfully we) will watch less because it won't be as easy as clicking buttons on the remote. I'm excited and hope we gain more family time out of this.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | July 23, 2009 at 04:13 AM
We are having tv free summer and it has been so great. Hubby and I have been reading a ton and the mornings go so much better with the kids not watching tv first thing. After the first couple of weeks the 2 1/2 year old girl threw a major fit- but other than that it has been really good. We will see how we can adapt this for fall!
Posted by: Elizabeth | July 23, 2009 at 06:23 AM
Joanne, we haven't had tv in a little over 2 years and I'm sure it has been great for us. We still check out tons of DVDs from the library. So, we're not deprived or anything, but mostly the TV stays off and it is blissful not to hear random tv noise. I'm sure you will enjoy your TV free year!
Posted by: Carmen | July 23, 2009 at 07:13 AM
My family and I are also in ministry, but in Europe! We've also decided to do away with the TV for a while...and I'm really glad that we're making the decision. Plus, it will also mean not paying for a tv tax, which is required in the country where we live.
Posted by: melissa | July 23, 2009 at 10:53 AM
I didn't know you had a dog! Please tell us more! We got rid of our TV when we moved (almost 5 years ago now) and started homeschooling the same year too.
Posted by: Lora | July 23, 2009 at 11:35 AM
nothing like relaxing and curl up with a good book!
Posted by: brian b. | July 23, 2009 at 02:39 PM
My family (1 husband, 2 kids aged 1 & 3 just went TV-less last week. On my own blog I call it "Going all Little House on the Prairie" but its been awesome thing for us. We're only a week in to it but I'm loving it.
Just found your blog and love your ABC's for simple living.
I post every Monday a guideline for praying for your kids. If you come on a day other than a Monday you'll find it on the right hand side of the blog. I hope you'll check it out.
Best to you,
Posted by: Jennifer Henderson | July 23, 2009 at 10:56 PM
I was raised without television, and its a choice my husband I have made for our family as well! No regrets here either!
Posted by: Liz Stetler | July 24, 2009 at 08:10 AM
Oh, I LOVE that picture!! When our girls were little (they're "all grown up" now!), we came home with PILES of library books and they'd sit on the floor in the family room and spend at least an hour just looking through the new books. I just wish I had a picture!
Do you scrapbook, Joanne? That would be a GREAT picture to scrapbook!! :-)
Susan from Chicago
Posted by: Susan | July 26, 2009 at 08:57 PM