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I like that verse... I need to think about it further. Happy Monday ;)

Holly B.

I'm going to check out your link--sounds interesting! Have fun with Marla and co.! Hi to her from me!


That link does sound good- hopefully I'll get a nap time soon to check it out! Mine's up... happy monday!


I love blueletterbible! I'm not a big KJV fan, but I love being able to look up the word in Hebrew or Greek and then track it through the Bible that way instead of through the English translation.

Kim Feth

I love that verse. When we were cleaning out my Mom's storage unit I found all six volumes (hardback) of the Matthew Henry Commentary. I told my sister she could have pretty much everything else, but I wanted those. She probably thought I had lost my mind!

Kim Lessig

There is a great fiction book by Lisa Samson that is called "Quaker Summer" that is based on that verse.


Loved this post! Micah 6:8 has long been a favorite and we just finished up student camp where we taught on the Beatitudes, and I always get sidetracked on "Blessed are the meek." As one who struggles with pride issues, I'm inspired by teachings on meekness and humility! Hope all is well with you and yours!


Hey girl,
Have been meaning to mention to you that this is my "life" verse...the one that God has used over and over and over and over to minister to me. It's even engraved on the inside of my wedding band. Love it! Speaks straight to my ego-centric self and sets me straight every time! Rock on girl...good choice! Hugs to you!
Love ya!

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