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Becky Jo

Just plain beautiful ... and the dress is nice too.


I made an apron with that fabric and it's hanging in my kitchen! Did you get the fabric at Hobby Lobby?


Pretty dress; pattern is so cute!

Beautiful girl. Toben has a shotgun for when the boys start coming 'round, right? Cause you're both gonna have your hands full! She is soooo pretty.


That is very FUN fabric... a darling dress and a gorgeous little lady!


Can she come stand in my sewing room/laundry room because that is the exact same fabric I decorated with in there! :)


I second Diane. You may want to build walls around the house. That's a very pretty dress on Gorgeous Audrey. Cant wait to see Emma's.


A friend just made me a cover-up for breastfeeding with that fabric. I absolutely LOVE it! :-)


Both pictures are great - she is so beautiful. I LOVE her hair - maybe I will grow mine like that!
Cute dress, but I fear sewing is one thing I will surely never learn to do! (Unless it is pillows or curtains - but not clothes)

Holly B.

Elle sont très belles (la robe et la fille)!


She is beautiful. I also know she is beautiful on the inside too...praying for my children this past year during our year of pain.

Kim Feth

Beautiful girl. Beautiful dress. I'm sure the insides match the outsides!
Kim Feth
Apex, NC


I like both pictures, even the one she didn't! And we own an apron that Bethany (up there, Marla's sister) made out of that fabric. It made a great dress!


oh wow ! what a hit !!! I love this dress & Audrey new hair cut (but it was a shock at first since I was gone all July) she's so pretty !

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