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Sarah Miller

We are a biscuit-y shortcake family too! I am always surprised at how many people have never had it this way. It's the BEST!

I am also a NO ICE CREAM soups up the buscuit.

What a great breakfast idea!


With scones and a pot of Earl Grey, of course!


Yum! Our shortcake is usually with biscuits (my grandma's recipe) and fresh whipped cream.


Total biscuit girl here...haven't had one of those in years! far as the strawberries go? Dipped in chocolate please!


Your version is EXACTLY the way I prefer my strawberries and carbs. Yummy!!


Yeah - someone else out there does milk too! People think I'm nuts but that's how we ate it when we were kids. Of course with those little sponge cakes but oh, the sweet memories!

Thanks for taking me down memory lane.

It sounds like the move has gone well ... so glad we didn't leave us in the blog world! :-)


I must admit I find American food kind of strange. We really do eat differently in Australia.

That's not to say that it doesn't look yum! pretty photograph too!


Strawberries were $0.99 a container in our area recently. I love strawberry shortcake. But I like it topped with lots and lots of whipped cream! :)


$1 a pound??? Mine are $1.50/lb, which I guess isn't too bad, but $1 sounds sooooooooo much better.


I love biscuits and scones - I like bread-y things too much! I'm not for the extras such as icecream, choc. sauce, or whipped cream - but sadly, I'm not much of a strawberry eater (all those seeds!). I am hopeless when it comes to textures. But, it does look so pretty in your bowl!

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