Do you know what I mean? You move someplace new or start something new or buy something new and the newness of it all carries you for a while. About three weeks to be exact.
And then it's been almost four weeks to the day of when you started that new thing, and all the newness is gone and it's just your life.
I'm not complaining. Well, not much anyway. Mostly I'm just realizing that to continue, to live well requires discipline and choice and will--not just riding on the wave of emotion or newness or excitement.
Not fun words, those. But words that crop up all over Scripture, all over the lives of people who make a difference, who live with intention, who really, well, live.
I'm reminding myself this morning that even in the midst of discipline and making choices and setting my will and my mind that there is still newness to be found and savored each day.
...his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23
I'm sorry Joanne......I love you....
Posted by: CherryTreeLane | July 29, 2009 at 08:22 AM
Perseverance. Hate that word! :)
Posted by: Susan | July 29, 2009 at 09:05 AM
Ditto to CherryTreeLane.
Posted by: Melissa @ Breath of Life | July 29, 2009 at 09:12 AM
I hear ya loud & clear!
Posted by: ginger | July 29, 2009 at 09:32 AM
Don't a month or so you will have a whole new adventure with your girls...homeschooling! Just like being a mom it is a very rewarding yet hard job to be teacher too. I guess it is good to look forward but yet live in what God has for today too. Praying for your adjustment. Hear my two year old ripping something in the next a go!
Posted by: Kimberly | July 29, 2009 at 11:25 AM
You're a sweet, intentional, savoring, loving, joyful, life-giving friend. May God infuse you to overflow this day and each day to follow, dear Joanne!
PS Do you know I have your letter to me from January on my fridge by the coffeepot? Your words bless me every day.
Posted by: Holly @ Crownlaiddown | July 29, 2009 at 12:00 PM
There's something to be said for comfort and routine too though. (like I'm one to talk!)
I forgot to tell you that I mailed you some postcards from the Grand Canyon. They're addressed and stamped (to all the grandparents!). Could you pop them in your mailbox for me?? Then they'll have an AZ postmark. :)
I'm sooo sorry you keep getting mail that's not really fun. I'll send you something soon--just for YOU!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | July 29, 2009 at 12:25 PM
So true.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
Posted by: Kim Feth | July 29, 2009 at 01:29 PM
Joanne, I loved your post today. I got married on July 4th, when yall moved. Just yesterday, I was thinking, wow, the newness of being newly married takes about 3 weeks and then it just feels like your regular normal life. Your post was comforting:) Choosing to enjoy and savor every moment:) Thank you, Lord, for new mercies!
Posted by: Lyndsey | July 29, 2009 at 02:46 PM
I clearly remember that when we moved back into our house, after 8 months of rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina - of being so excited. And we all were. And I recall that after about a month, I felt a sadness. The "settling" was over, the excitement was toned down, and there was nothing left to "do". It felt like life back to normal again.
I must say, now, I am so thankful for normalness!!
Posted by: Kristy | July 31, 2009 at 10:34 PM
Hi Joanne. It is kind of weird to read your posts on your temporary spot, renting a house, moving. All the things I was thinking about 2 yrs. ago. Beaumont is our temporary spot. I tell myself and least once a week that one day it will be clear why this stop was necessary. It sounds like you already have that piece of the puzzle. Well, we are packing again to return to FL. I am praying that this will be our forever, or for a long time spot, so we can feel settled. I am ready for the newness to wear off. I am till enjoying your adventures! Thanks so much!
Posted by: Samantha | August 03, 2009 at 06:21 AM