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Melissa @ Breath of Life

And I can't wait to find out how it all pieces together for you, too! God is up to something HUGE, friend!


I found a group of gals doing this study and will be joining them in the fall... as long as its not on Thursday nights, that is when I have orchestra rehearsal!


I did this study last winter in the middle of a personal crisis. I'd call my counselor in the parking lot and bawl, then go in and sit in the video. God spoke to me so many times and
I was so glad I forced myself to go even when I would rather curl up on the couch. Beth is the best, enjoy!!!

Marla Taviano

You've got to be kidding me. Your last few paragraphs? Exactly what I've been writing about the past couple days. Love sharing a wavelength with you, friend. :)

Oh, I SO want to do Esther!! SOON!!


You are going to LOVE this study. I began it in June and it has spoken to me so much. You are really in for a treat!


I got a little "stressed" when I was 19 and in nursing school. I broke down crying one night, paralyzed w/ fear and wanting to just quit. My mom read the book of Esther out loud to inspire courage in me. Silly, I know. But, it got me through and I will never forget it! Aren't moms great!? Isn't God greater!?


Started leading Esther at our church on Monday night! I'm in Week 8 honey and it's rocking my world!!! So excited you are in the middle of it as well...

Love ya to pieces!


I did this study this past winter. It was my first Beth study. It was life changing!!! Enjoy it!


I know what you mean about that study! I went into it with such huge anticipation about what God was going to do in my life this year.

What actually happened was totally unexpected... a "reversal" actually... I was so glad to be doing the study because God really prepared my heart. =]

Here's the whole story if you are interested:


Hello, friend! I've read Esther several times this summer in preparation for my Esther study which begins in two weeks! I can NOT wait! Your enthusiasm for it is contagious; I love that about you.


Oh, you have got me so excited, I can hardly wait. Our ladies group from our church will be meeting in my house - starting that bible study on Sept. 17th. I am so excited - though with going to college now and the amount of study and work involved - I am a little concerned at how I am going to have the time to do all I need to do! I know just what you mean about seeing Beth. I have seen her a few times in person, but it always feels like "home" or an old dear friend when I get to see her again on a weekly basis.
I can't wait! Hope you are making great friends there in the desert!

Farm Fresh Jessica

it's SO good! I had to quit 2 weeks early, but I loved every minute. Plus being in a study helps me be more disciplined every day.

And it was my first Beth Moore. LOVE her.


Helen at A Work of Heart

I did this study last spring with a great group of women that I just felt so blessed to be asked to study with...great study. Courtney (my 16 year old...heavy sigh) and I have just started reading Esther together...when both girls were much younger, we did mother/daughter notebooks where we would pass notebooks/journals back and forth with thoughts/questions/prayers, was so fun and such a blessing to keep the lines of communication open...and so fun to find one of their notebooks waiting for me on my pillow...anyway, I have rekindled that by doing our Bible study that way...I give her a reading assignment, questions to ponder or other reference materials to search and it has been really fun...this morning she came down and exclaimed...I just can't stand that King what a dumb's been great to see her mind work...
Have a blessed weekend!


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