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Oh...I love Midday Connection and I will definitely tune in! :)

ocean mommy

OH!!! I'll find it in my area and listen! Praying for you both!!

Jennifer White

That is awesome. Good for both of u.

Marla Taviano

That's awesome, Joanne!!


Oh wow! How cool.

I'll have to listen to the podcast.

Good for you guys!

Leanne Heern

Hi Joy! I am going to listen when its live or when it comes in the archive...
Do you think you both could address the sentiment among some Christian counselors that there is no such thing as a bipolar disorder? Many dismiss it as a sin issue. Bipolar disorder is very present in both sides of my family and I had one family member die because of it. If there is a way to discuss that topic, I would be so grateful! I think its a very misunderstood condition.

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