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I tried to listen but my computer refuses to cooperate with wmp. I have yet to figure out what its problem is. *sigh* I hope to listen to the podcast later. I'm sure y'all were amazing!
I would like to participate in the book group, but I don't know if I can get my hands on a book in time. Finances are strangling right now.


Oops...don't leave me out! I would love to do a book study with a group of gals. I might have read this book before...long I have to go dig through a closet upstairs in the spare room and see if I have it but I obviously didn't ABSORB it if I don't even know if I have it.
Anyway...count me in.
[email protected]

Debbie Mitchell

Hi there. I would love to do the book club type thingy too! I'm not sure how much of a committment will be involved though? With 2 little ones under 5 and another on the way, I won't realistically have a lot of time, but I always read. I am also joining all the way from sunny Ireland (so not sure if the time zones will make any difference?).


Heard you on Midday Today... How awesome that you were able to share your family's story...I am sure you encouraged many :)


I think I might have this book. If it's the one I've been thinking about, I've had it for years and still haven't read it. Maybe now is the time!


well done on Midday! I was working ( no calling in for me!) but you guys did a great job - God is blessing many thru your ministry. Love , Janine


I'm so excited! My book finally arrived and I've already read the foreward and intro. Trying to find out what I need to do next, my email situation is not idea and I've not been able to get it.

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