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« P.S. to Spiritual Mothering | Main | Hey book group gals! »


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Kelley B.

would love to join the Spiritual Mentoring book club! Count me in!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

What about using Mr. Linky, and just linking our posts up to your main post once a week (or however often you do it)?


Wow!!! spiritual mentoring is something my church is SERIOUSLY struggling with. My friends and I asked the older ladies to mentor us at one of the ladies fellowships and they TOTALLY rejected us :( Now my friends and I get together once a month with women from a different church for a mentoring session.

I have to do school for 30 hours a week, but I would love to read the book and at least start in the study (hopefully be able to stay and finish!) Besides the book is there anything else we would need?

[email protected]

Tammy Snyder

Would love to be a part of this. How do I go about it? Will you contact me? I have been looking for something like this for many years! GREAT!

Pam Romo

I would love to be a part of your Spiritual Mothering book group! Count me in. This is the first time I've ever left a comment, but have been following your blog for about a year.


SO happy that so many people are responding! Can't wait to get started!

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

Just ordered the book! Hope you are having a great day, Joanne!! It goes without saying, but I'll say it again...praying for and missing you!


Joanne, where is this sandy/pool? Do you live near a beach, or is it part of an apartment complex thing? It looks so interesting. And yes, so relaxing. Lovely.

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