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Happy crazy Monday! Smiles!!


My hubs loves the word dicombobulated! Made me smile to see it here:)


So sorry to hear about your trip being cancelled. I'll be praying for Emma. I went ahead and did my MM verse for this week, I a guess I'm a creature of habit:) Hope she starts to feel better soon!


Sometimes we just get all discombobulated, don't we? Of course, I NEVER do....NOT! I can totally relate! I'm trying to get a little more organized these days so that maybe I'll be a little less discombobulated. We'll see if it helps.....

My post is up at:

Hope you have a great week!

Lisa notes...

Add me to the discombobulated list, too. ;-) At least we're all in it together.

Here are the verses I learned:

Praying that the Lord redeems the missed trip for your sweet family...and for your daughter to get well.

caroline perez

Normal? I love reading about all the things God brings your way.
Here's my past two posts.


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