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Lisa notes...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to add "Take a shower" to her to-do list. ha. Good luck on accomplishing everything!


My goodness...! Ur list is so long...! Actually I used to have lists too...but I stop using them cos I never seem to be able to complete the whole makes me 'sad' seeing the things that needs to be done yet undone...but after seeing ur makes me wonder if I should start mine again...


I do lists when there are so many little odd jobs to do. You know the little ones that you keep forgetting to do, but actually take quite a bit of time to do. I put my list on the fridge so that I can see what I have accomplished and my husband can see what I've done while he is at work. It is really fun to see a list with lots of things crossed off.

Kimberly S.

I love lists too written and mental.

Do school with the kids (Wednesday are a full school day)

Fold and put away laundry

Make dinner, bring dinner to a little old lady in our church who has a broken foot.

Call my mother-in-law and ask to baby sit our kids during our Thanksgiving trip so my husband and I can have breakfast with a couple we have never met (do you get this?)

Have fun at the beach!


I used to make fun of my mom for putting "shower" on her list for the day. The older I get the more I don't poke fun.

And I thought I was the only one who added things on a to-do list after they were done. I totally need to feel like I've accomplished things in my day! Have a great trip!


Go to the store.
Stop by Janna's.
Have lunch.
Put boys down for naps.
Put myself down for a nap. (i wish)
Vacuum & wash floors.
Mail a card to my uncle.
Do something with my tomatoes.
Play with boys & work on letters with Pumpkin.
Make the guys dinner.
Go out to dinner with my friend.


Add to my list: Call your Mom. She emailed me with a question. So sweet! I left her a message. Maybe she could come over and hang out as a sort of proxy for you. I miss you so much!

I love lists too! I love them so much I just launched a free service to organize things you find online in lists you can easily share (or access on iPhone).

Here are some of my and member's lists:
-recipes to remember ( )
-books to read ( )
-holiday gifts ( )
-favorite wines under $15 ( )

Megan Wighaman

Want to share the recipe for your cinnamon raisin bread?


I only wish I had your list making skillz! Have a wonderful time this weekend!!


busy girl! have a great time!!!


Okay, you seem like a multitasker/busy-bee, but that is a lot in one day! My list: Get off the computer, put on make up, fix hair, make breakfast, get kids ready for school, put away laundry, work on research paper for English class. Work on bible study. Begin reading next week's chapter in Psychology. Figure out what's for dinner, cook it, play with 4 year old, and enjoy the fact that it is FRIDAY!!
Oh, and Haman???? Good luck with the play!

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