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I most enjoy learning cultural and historical context. There is so much in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, that contemporary readers simply don't get because we are so far removed. I love getting the nitty gritty details that help me greater understand the awesomeness of our God and His sovereignty.


I really get a lot from the hermeneutics and hearing the roots of the actual wording used. I think because there are so many different translations, a lot of times some of the deeper meaning is lost when making it 'easy to read'.


Unfortunately, I haven't really done much in the way of bible studies. I think that what has been most important to me in the few classes I've taken, is how to apply what I've learned to my life today. I love history so that is all very interesting, but I need to learn how to take what I've learned and use it in my day to day life.

Debbie Mitchell

I am a words person (studied language and literature at university), so I agree with Mandy, I love to see what the original Hebrew/Greek words were, what they meant and the implications of that.

I also love being challenged to think about what God is actually saying to ME right NOW, here in this room. It's great to be reminded that the Bible is the LIVING word of God, and that is isn't just a book about God - it is the TRUTH ABOUT LIFE. So - what is it saying about our lives, today, as we get up and walk out of the study? Have we heard God's voice - and what will happen if we actually DO what the bible says? If that doesn't get us excited, I don't know what would!

Most of all, for me, what makes a great Bible Study leader is passion! Its infectious!
Can I say Joanne, that you wrote a little bit on how you study the bible on your blog before, and I thought it was FABULOUS - so if you keep doing what you do, I'm certain that your class will be richly blessed!


I've got all the material...I just don't know how to use it! Can I join in via Skype?

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

Connection with other women, who are willing to walk this hard journey with me.

I need the Word and have it wherever I am. I go to Bible study for friendships AND the Word.


application - first and foremost. Yet, I wonder if God is asking me to dig deeper at times. Take the me out of it - and learn more about Him.


I went to Bible college and the times passages became most real to me were when I had something to connect them to. Sometimes that was knowing the historical and cultural background that would open my eyes to the richness of the author's intended meaning. I agree with the languages too. Studying Greek has helped me in many ways to understanding passages. Things like knowing that a certain verb tense is not simply past tense, but a past tense that continues into now and has present/future implications.

I also love hearing a modern story of someone who lived it out, or putting it into modern terms so it 'appears' to be more relevant (although, we know that the Bible is timeless. sometimes it helps to have a modern connection point).

I bet whatever you come up with will be wonderful. How blessed are those attending! 6 weeks is HUGE. So much can happen in that amount of time and what a neat thing to be able to see that happen before your eyes. I love that you are using Psalm 23. Things can become to routine to us in our faith. They will be so impacted by studying a familiar passage and see new things rise up from the text to change their lives.


For me, I want the meat of the Word when I go to a Bible study. I like looking at what the original Greek or Hebrew words mean to help me understand the passage more. I want to go into the passage indepthly (is that even a word???) I like to see how I can apply the passage to my life.

On the relational side, I really enjoy getting together with other women and fellow shipping.


For me it is about what God is trying to tell me through the passage... but on another level it's about others being there to live it with me and for us to encourage each other in living a life for Christ. Also a place to be real and share real hurt and real struggle.


I want to learn what the truths, principles, promises mean to my everyday life. What does this look like for me today?


Bible, Bible, Bible!!! Encouragement from studying the Bible with others!


I second the items already mentioned - historical context, language, and application. One item I'd add that I didn't see: I LOVE it when a Bible Study challenges me and motivates me to do more study on my own. This is often done by pointing to similar passages or applications within the Bible without specifically exploring them as part of the Bible study. Just a thought.

I know your study will be great!


brian b.

Check out Holy Bible on my website, world of wonder

Kimberlie Feth

In no particular order, I like the time spent with other women on the journey, the time spent in the Word, the time spent in prayer, the time women spend sharing, and in effect, advising about each other's lives. I like a group that has transparent women - the fashion club stuff gets on my nerves and I can't relax and get quiet with God. I like homework. Wow, never thought I'd say that when I was a kid.

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