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What an amazing tribute to your father. Godly fathers are blessings indeed.

Happy Birthday to your daddy!!


Happy Birthday to your dear Papa! I got emotional reading your tribute and thought how much your dad must have relished reading your words. It is such a good reminder to thank our parents and recount the blessings of who they are -- to them.

Chuck Friedenstein(Dad)

Awwww...I'm just a guy who would do anything for all his girls - particularly his oldest (no way 38, since I'm only 39). Grandpapas revolve "geosyncristly" around their wife, daughters, and grandaughters. (A "Geosyncritist" orbit is really spelled geosynchronous; as in synchronous; as in synchronized - because it means that the satellite's orbit (time it takes to go around one time) is exactly 24 hours. So ... if the orbit is at zero degrees inclination with respect to the equator, it appears stationary in the sky. That's why your satellite dish doesn't have to move during the day, because from where it is, the satellite doesn't appear to move. If you live on the equator, a geosynchronous satellite is either directly straight up, but more than likely to the east or west. Up here in N. America, your satellite dish points South, more than likely Southwest or Southeast. When we were up in Alaska, the TV dishes looked like they were pointed at the South horizon!

Lower altitude satellites have orbits less than 24 hours and so don't properly track their ground station (woman) in their lives; and consequently decay and burn into the atmosphere premeturely.

Love Dad/Papa


Hi Joanne!

I can't believe how much little Joanne looks like Emma! Uncanny!

Happy birthday to your pappa. Have a wonderful time with your visitors!

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