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Excellant point- thanks for taking us down this trail - one I definitely need to go down. Very good points:)


Thanks for these powerful words, Joanne. Let me know when that weekend is, and I'll be sure to intercede for you both during that time. Love ya!


So tell me more about this cabin in the woods counseling adventure...

Just the two of you and a counselor?

Is this a special facility (bad choice of word) that does this sort of thing?

I'm intrigued...and scared :)

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Friend, I so needed to read this today! I'm seeking desperately to be the wife my husband needs during this time of transition. I will be marking that verse in my Bible and praying over it!

Marla Taviano

This is awesome, friend. I've been praying for you. (and needed these convicting words today) Love you!!

Aurora @ Under Transformation

Praying for you all, my married sisters! Your hearts that want to honor God by blessing your husbands is such an encouragement!


Thank you for your wisdom and convicting words spoken in love. I am inspired to love my husband better today.


Thanks Joanne, just what I needed to hear. With my husband having such a stressful job I know that I need to be a small piece of peace for him when he comes home. I long for our home and my attitude to be a place that he longs to come for respite and peace. Thanks for the encouraging and insightful words!


Thanks Joanne!

Michelle did I miss this post? This is great...and such a good thing. I, too, long to be a safe place for my husband. I am not always successful...but I am getting better. Enjoy your will be ALL good...even the crying.

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