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Lisa notes...

I am SO with you on needing music. And worship. And every day!

And that song. I heard it for the first time about two months ago, and immediately put it on my mp3 player. Love it. It hits all areas of life. Whatever season I'm in, it applies. God is always there, always worthy of worship, regardless of what is going on around me.

Whatever you're doing for workouts, you shouldn't change a thing. You look fabulous in that dress dancing with your hubby. :-)


United is so husband took me to see them in concert last April for my birthday. They were UNBELIEVABLE! Oh my gosh...they played for three hours straight...solid worship...nothing like it. If you ever have a chance to see them live...DO IT!!


This is the story behind that song. Can you believe it?! One of my all time favorite songs.


We sing this song in church and it brings me to tears each time! I LOVE "Tear Down the Walls" too! You go girl!


Love this song! When I did run, I loved cranking up the music to drown out everything else (mainly my labored breathing). Now, it is Bob and Jillian, and BL cardio boot camp!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Wow...I've never heard this song, but I certainly NEEDED this! Thanks for sharing it, dear friend. And thanks for the prayers!


I agree with Anna, you MUST watch the story behind the song. It is so powerful. I loved the song the first moment I heard it, but after hearing the background, I just weep and rejoice at the knowledge of victory in Christ.


when I feel like I am just praying the same thing over and over and it seems stale to my ears I sing a favorite song/hymn. It helps! switching from pleading with God to praising God makes a difference!

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