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Beautiful Joanne! Love to see how God used your weakness yesterday to make things in your life stronger! Thanks for continuing to share your life. I miss you so much but I feel like you are not so far when I read your blog. Love you!


We are studying John in BSF so it's pretty cool that they studied it too, and you are right, there are a ton of names for Jesus!


Wow...! Really encouraged by u...seeing u spend so much time & effort to read God's Word with ur girls.
I just started 'doing' a daily devotion with my toddler (she's 2 1/2)...using "The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers"'s got beautiful pictures & the story is quite simple for her to understand.

Melissa @ Breath of Life

Wow...I wanna' be a student in the Heim Home School!

Marla Taviano

LOVE this!!

Allison Talamantez

Joanne, you have such a knack for this. Your girls are so blessed!


Just finishing up John. Pulling out my Advent devotionals and readings now. Thanks to my BFF, Joanne who (probably unbeknownst to her) made me much more aware of the liturgical seasons and wetted my appetite to learn more of them.

Hugs and smooches.


Lisa @ The PW

I've read through your last few posts and just wanted to say:

I love you.

You are real and I need real people in my life. That's why I stalk you. :)

And I'm so proud of your girls. We've been reading through John as a family but nothing this intenional at all. You've challenged me to step up my game, girlfriend.


What a great idea for the quiet time. I may try that with my older daughter. Right now, my older daughter and I are doing a Bible study together a few nights a week. But what you're doing with your girls is a great idea and I think it would work really well for my daughter to do on her own in addition to our devotional time together.

Hope you're having a great week!


So made me want to teach it to my boys this way. And study it this way myself! Love it:)


We just got done reading through John in our homeschool. We're in the OT now too, but we're back a few books in Exodus. My little one likes hearing the Bible stories. She even asks me to read more to her during her bath time at night:) I hope her desire to hear God's Word never dies out!

I like your journal idea...I would like to include something like that into our homeschool time. Thanks for sharing so many of your great ideas!

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

3 Things...
1. You are an awesome homeschool mom! I love that they're learning to study the Word!
2. Janna's blog link is broken...where oh, where is Janna?
3. My blog link is new, if you have a chance to change it.


Joanne, this is so impressive! The girls are learning how to study the Word for themselves, a tool that will carry them through their entire spiritual lives. They will always be able to feed themselves -- it's like you've taught them to cook so they don't starve! Blessings and high fives to you!!



That is awsome. We are still working on learning to read...can't wait to do that with my boys. Sounds like you were born to homeschool.


My sons(tween/teen) and I study together by theme, but I love the group notebook idea. We have our separate journals, but the single notebook is a good reference for the future, and the outlining is how I try to encourage them to study along with flash cards.

Wow...flash cards I just had an idea. :-)

Kim Feth

Ok, I'm adopting some of this. Trying to think through how to deploy it in a practical manner. Thanks for the ideas. Any ideas on Advent Bible study?


Joanne, I just wanted to tell you that I'm thankful for friends like you who are a few steps ahead of me. Thanks for paving the way and inspiring me to be a better mom to my kids. I love your ideas, and this is no exception. Love you, friend!

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