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Wow. 'Zactly. Wow.

He and I have been going rounds over this ALL WEEK LONG. Every time I pick up the bible, or devotional or speak with someone He is sending me the message..."Susan, Be Still. Hear me. Allow me. Watch me."

*I'm mentally doing the two fingers pointed to my eyes and then pointing them at your eyes...we are simpatico lately. However, I'm relieved that R and I are not headed to intense mountain counseling this weekend. Just being honest ;)

<3 u

ocean mommy

Yep...been hearing that too.. in fact, wrote a new song last month where part of the chorus says I would hurry to be still.

Life would be so much easier if I would just listen and DO what He says!!!

Melissa @ Breath of Life

I feel like I'm standing in front of the Red Sea, waiting for the Lord to part it. I want to jump in, but I don't want to drown. Hard to wait, though...

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