Last week when I saw the same verse multiple times in a morning? And blogged about it here? (Just noticed that post is highlighted on the Blogher ad bar over there on the right. That's kinda cool!)
Anyway, I just read THAT SAME VERSE AGAIN. Catching up on more blog reading.
Here. Coincidence? Not hardly. (That's my friend Robert Benson's blog, by the way. If you've known me for very long, you know how I feel about his books. They are some of my favorites. Go check them out in my Amazon shop here.)
Have to say, God is speaking left and right. Not just through this verse. But with repeated ideas and EXACT PHRASES that are showing up every time I turn around.
- He's doing a new thing. He's making a way.
- This oppression we're feeling? Warfare. Plain and simple.
- The effectiveness of truth against lies. We are not powerless in this battle!
Don't get me wrong. It's also good. A good hard, if you get what I mean. Funny how things can be good and bad at the same time. Happy and sad. Exciting and terrifying all at once.
God is at work. And the work he is doing is good and he will complete it. I KNOW that for sure. Yet having him reassure me that it's really him, that he's listening when I pray, that he's answering and using the same words so I know he really did hear?
Wow. Leaves me breathless to be loved like that.
God listens when we pray. He speaks in response. Give us ears to hear, we pray.
Posted by: IDOKLady | January 11, 2010 at 08:18 AM
I love that He cares enough about us to let us know that He hears us and to give us glimpses as to what He is doing about it!
Posted by: Susan | January 11, 2010 at 12:02 PM
Amen, amen!
Posted by: Blessed | January 11, 2010 at 04:40 PM