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« Memory Monday: John 15:1-2 | Main | Feathering my nest, part 3 »


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Wow. I never thought about that. But it's so true. We just heard the testimony of a couple at our church yesterday--the husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent several procedures and the wife said that if she had known everything they would have to go through from the beginning, she didn't think they would have made it.

And I love that scene from Facing the Giants! I loved that movie especially because of the wife's struggle with infertility. I first watched the movie when I was pregnant with our little girl after "trying" for 19 months. I cried so many times! What an incredible God we serve!


"God knows that we can go further by faith than we can by sight"

That is exactly what I needed to hear this morning. Thank you for sharing!

Kim Feth

Right on! And I love that clip. It's so true.
Kim Feth

Trina Miller

Thank you for posting this. God knew I needed to hear it today.

Kathleen  Jaeger

Thank you for the encouragement!

Lisa @ The PW

Have I mentioned lately that you are fabulous?? :)


That is awesome. Way to go. Your bones are going to love you when you are an old lady! I felt like throwing up during spinning class this AM.


Good, great words. Thank you for sharing. That clip from that movie makes me cry.


That's a new way of thinking about it for me too and it sits well with me. We can go further by faith than by sight! Thank you! Good Word!!
And Facing the Giants, really good movie!


I love this one and I am keeping the Faith that you will fully recover and someday soon be able to read this!! God is so good!! He has heard our cries to heal you and restore your body and brain back to the way it was except with a deeper appreciation of Him, your family and your life! I know for me, I have an intense appreciation for all I have and all He does for me! I have grown so much closer to him since I have experienced some tragic things in the past few weeks!! I'm just sorry it took tragedies to draw me closer!!
Im walking by faith everyday and trusting God has everything under control!!
Thanks for your posts!! Trying to read a few each day in between prayers for you! :-)

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