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Melissa @ Breath of Life

~Helping my husband with school

~Gearing up for Bible study with CJ & her friends

~~Looking forward to having one of my youth girls over tonight to watch "Pride & Prejudice"

~REALLY looking forward to a 2-day work week next week, and spending a few days at home putting the house in order.


getting ready to go to MOPS this morning.

brewing coffee.

trying not to be a disappointment to my son when he yells "SING MOMMY" and i don't know the words to the theme song to his new favorite tv show.

getting a list(!) together of the things i need to get to potty train this weekend.

knitting slippers for my sister.


Let's see, I'm:
- Getting geared up for us to start back to school next week
- Writing and editing
- Getting ready for the Bible study I will be teaching online the first of February

And of course that is all sandwiched in between spending time with my family and taking care of the house.


~laundry... never ending
~go to the gym (check! whoo-hoo!)
~work on papers for science and history...
~remind myself not to procrastinate on on-line classes
~blog (heh)
~pick up son from M.D.O. (or "school" as I call it to him)
~decide on dinner
~empty dishwasher
~cut up bananas & freeze for smoothies
~have a quite time (yikes!)


- cleaning house after a weekend at SMT celebration
- laundry
- meal planning
- dental appt
- figruing out how to start up the Mom's In Touch for our elementary school (much prayer)
Have a great trip. Enjoy the time together and the study time.

No.17 CherryTreeLane

I want to write a list, but all I really want to say is that I WISH I was seeing you on your trip down.

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