(Yep, it's a list...)
School. We've been reading some great books as part of our curriculum. I'll be sure to add the new ones here so you can see.
Running. Ran in the rain yesterday--and even added a little to my distance. I love/hate it--all at the same time, which is weird. It's still all about the music. This week has been Kirk Franklin, High School Musical, and a mix of my current favorite worship songs.
Company. We've had people in for dinner a bunch this week. And that means I have small flowers tucked here and there because a few of them brought me beautiful bouquets. I love having flowers in the house--and so do the cats. :(
Staying dry. It rained all day yesterday, and is supposed to rain all day again. I love rain!
Working, working, working. I feel like I'm starting to get in a rhythm of when/how to work best. But I'm still in that steep learning curve, though I'm starting to see a level path ahead. I really like what I'm doing, but miss having an afternoon with nothing to do!
Birthday planning. Emma turns nine on Monday--how is that possible?! We're celebrating on Sunday and eating steak. Not sure if we'll have anything with it. It's her day and she loves meat.
Washing sheets. Gotta do that today--my dad is flying in tonight for the weekend and needs fresh sheets to sleep on. He and Toben are headed to the Barrett Jackson car auction thing tomorrow.
Pasadena. Toben and I are headed to California on Monday for board meetings. (He's on the board for the Fuller Youth Institute.) We're driving there and back between Monday and Tuesday to get some time together in the car. And I'll get a day at the seminary library to prepare for Bible study, and I'm excited about that.
Bible study. Bible study starts next week! We're studying Priscilla Shirer's He Speaks to Me for the first half, then I'm teaching on Psalm 23. (Thus the library day! I've been studying and need some uninterrupted blocks of time to gather/organize/write.)
What're you up to?
~Helping my husband with school
~Gearing up for Bible study with CJ & her friends
~~Looking forward to having one of my youth girls over tonight to watch "Pride & Prejudice"
~REALLY looking forward to a 2-day work week next week, and spending a few days at home putting the house in order.
Posted by: Melissa @ Breath of Life | January 22, 2010 at 06:56 AM
getting ready to go to MOPS this morning.
brewing coffee.
trying not to be a disappointment to my son when he yells "SING MOMMY" and i don't know the words to the theme song to his new favorite tv show.
getting a list(!) together of the things i need to get to potty train this weekend.
knitting slippers for my sister.
Posted by: chapmanchick | January 22, 2010 at 07:46 AM
Let's see, I'm:
- Getting geared up for us to start back to school next week
- Writing and editing
- Getting ready for the Bible study I will be teaching online the first of February
And of course that is all sandwiched in between spending time with my family and taking care of the house.
Posted by: Karen | January 22, 2010 at 10:11 AM
~laundry... never ending
~go to the gym (check! whoo-hoo!)
~work on papers for science and history...
~remind myself not to procrastinate on on-line classes
~blog (heh)
~pick up son from M.D.O. (or "school" as I call it to him)
~decide on dinner
~empty dishwasher
~cut up bananas & freeze for smoothies
~have a quite time (yikes!)
Posted by: Taylor | January 22, 2010 at 10:38 AM
- cleaning house after a weekend at SMT celebration
- laundry
- meal planning
- dental appt
- figruing out how to start up the Mom's In Touch for our elementary school (much prayer)
Have a great trip. Enjoy the time together and the study time.
Posted by: rhonda | January 24, 2010 at 09:29 PM
I want to write a list, but all I really want to say is that I WISH I was seeing you on your trip down.
Posted by: No.17 CherryTreeLane | January 25, 2010 at 04:20 PM