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« God calls me by my middle name | Main | Even then, hope against hope »


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Dedra Herod

Sweet friend!

Thank you for asking for prayers and it's my honor to take you to His feet today! I've got your back. :)

Friday is now going to be chat with Jesus about Joanne day! :)

Love you to pieces.


A privilege to pray for you! Have prayed your thoughts written in the dark will come together with HIS in the LIGHT! Holy Hugs!

Holly B.

Praying right now Joanne!


Absolutely will continue to be praying for you on this. I love when I have specifics to pray for. He knows, that I know, but I like to know :)

Hugs sweet girl and I expect we'll all have the opportunity to work on this bible study eventually?!

Love u.

Marla Taviano

This post is super-exciting to me, friend. Praying!

Brynn in CO

Prayed for clarity, inspirations and God's words for you as you write today. AND...
I have to ask...You do know that Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore are comig to Denver in June together right! Are you gonna come???


Got you covered!!! Hugs to you!

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