(Yes, we've been listening to the Glee soundtrack, so that's the first thing that popped into my head when I thought to ask you to pray today. If you've not heard the music from Glee, well, it's amazing. How I wish I could sing like that!)
We rocked and rolled through our school this week with the goal of getting our work done in four days. Looking ahead to the end of March, I'll be teaching Bible study at church on Wednesday nights and Thursday mornings. Thursdays just aren't going to be school days for us when that starts.
And until then, Fridays aren't going to be school days for us. Between now and March 24, I'm going to use Fridays to have uninterrupted writing/preparing time. The church has a space that's empty on Fridays for me to use, and so I'm headed there after my weekly Friday morning coffee date. (Hi Christy! See you in a bit!)
I'm excited for today. I've been writing in the dark at night as thoughts pop into my head as I'm falling asleep and I grab the notebook by the bed and scribble madly to capture it. I haven't looked at those scribbles in the light, so I'm hoping they'll be legible and still make sense!
I do write bits and pieces here and there each day, but I'm looking forward to a big chunk of time to really focus. That's how I write best.
I'm learning just how much I love to teach. Homeschooling as just affirmed that in many ways. And while I of course want to teach my children well when we study things like writing and reading and history and science and math, I feel an added weight when I teach the Bible.
Would you pray for me today as I write and prepare to teach what I write?
God has been so clear and so specific about the session I'm working on. I love that! And I want to capture it in a way that accurately reflects all he's revealed.
I want to handle God's Word with care.
Sweet friend!
Thank you for asking for prayers and it's my honor to take you to His feet today! I've got your back. :)
Friday is now going to be chat with Jesus about Joanne day! :)
Love you to pieces.
Posted by: Dedra Herod | February 12, 2010 at 06:31 AM
A privilege to pray for you! Have prayed your thoughts written in the dark will come together with HIS in the LIGHT! Holy Hugs!
Posted by: IDOKLady | February 12, 2010 at 07:00 AM
Praying right now Joanne!
Posted by: Holly B. | February 12, 2010 at 07:11 AM
Absolutely will continue to be praying for you on this. I love when I have specifics to pray for. He knows, that I know, but I like to know :)
Hugs sweet girl and I expect we'll all have the opportunity to work on this bible study eventually?!
Love u.
Posted by: Susan | February 12, 2010 at 09:01 AM
This post is super-exciting to me, friend. Praying!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | February 12, 2010 at 10:17 AM
Prayed for clarity, inspirations and God's words for you as you write today. AND...
I have to ask...You do know that Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore are comig to Denver in June together right! Are you gonna come???
Posted by: Brynn in CO | February 12, 2010 at 12:56 PM
Got you covered!!! Hugs to you!
Posted by: Heidi | February 12, 2010 at 01:43 PM