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I needed that today. Thank you!

Marla Taviano

I'm with Rhonda. Love you, friend!


Wow. I need to print this out and hang it above my work space. I am preparing to go to Belgium in the fall with a ministry team...and I will be talking to them and bringing them encouragement about depression. God has also asked me to write a devotional...a small booklet, maybe a 30-day type of devo, that can be tucked in one's that I can leave them with something to encourage them after we're gone. As you can see, the ideas are still formulating...and each time I get an idea...or a God download, I jot it in my notebook. I haven't sat at the computer yet...although I do have the booklet started in Publisher. It's ready and waiting for CONTENT. Thank you for posting this process...because I have to say I am TOTALLY terrified...totally unsure...totally insecure...and the doubt is constantly raging. But to know that it is obviously part of the territory when we are doing something for the Lord gives me hope that it will come..and that, with God, it can be done. With God, all things are possible, right?

Thank you again...xox

Dawn W

"God is NOT the author of fear(doubt)" is one of my mantras!

I hope you're planning to share some of your study with your online freinds, too!


Nanette Evans

I have never commented before but am an avid reader of your blog. Your post this morning really spoke to me and prompted me to comment. Thank you! Thank you so much for reminding us all that God is so good and that Satan wants so badly to tear that down. Thank you for reminding us that God truly does speak to each of us and all we need to do is be still and listen, but Satan tries so hard to keep us from being still. With God's help we can be still and we can listen and we can be strong against that mean ol' Satan!! Thank you! I truly needed this post! Nanette


There is a "Beautiful Blog Award" making the rounds of the blogosphere, and I selected you as one of "my" winners.

Thank you for being an inspiration! ~ Kathy


You are right. You ARE no Priscilla. You ARE no Beth. You ARE Joanne. Created to be Joanne long, long before you were born. And you are wonderfully and perfectly...Joanne.

Do not forget it again, girl. Don't MAKE me come down there...

Love you.



Can I just say for the hundredmillionth time- I miss you?

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