Here's what is true of me when I speak in front of a group:
1. I don't usually feel all that nervous, but I sweat like crazy. Seriously need some new antiperspirant. Like prescription strength. Not an issue on a normal day--even in AZ in the summer, but you can bet I'll be getting some next time I'm at Walmart. Felt like I couldn't raise my arms until about 12:30.
2. I have to pee a lot before I stand up front to talk. So I snuck out this morning while the gals were all in their groups and there was NO TOILET PAPER in the stall I randomly chose. I didn't check first because I was concentrating too hard on not dropping the microphone thing in the toilet. I think I might get in trouble if I did that. And there was no one else in the bathroom to help me out--they were all in Bible study! Luckily, those paper seat cover thing-ys work in a pinch.
(I did admit this to all the women there--and told them exactly which stall was out of paper so they wouldn't get stuck. Just trying to be a good girlfriend.)
(This is an aside and totally not about Bible study, but I also have to pee exactly three times after I get dressed to run before I can run. Why three? No idea. It's just the magic number. Being two miles from home and having to pee soverybadly is NO FUN. You can't run faster without peeing in your pants, and at the same time you're desperate to get home as fast as possible. Bad, BAD news.)
3. I love it when people nod at me, smile at me, make eye contact. Does that make me an affirmation junkie? The result is that I'm a really good audience member. Our worship pastor at church even commented on it. Cause I know how awful it is to have no one willing to meet your eye. I like to give out an outline, so even if someone is writing her grocery list and not looking at me, it just looks to me like she's taking really, really good notes.
4. What is up with the sticky dry mouth? Yuck. Hot water this morning helped. I was afraid if I sucked on a mint and tried to talk at the same time I would probably choke. Going to have to come up with a hand signal from my friend if it gets out of control and starts to build up in the corners of my mouth.
5. Finally, we have really, really cute girls at our church. It's fun to stand up front and get a good long look at all of them. I'd not been to Thursday morning Bible study before this morning (I'm a Wednesday night gal so far) and was way impressed with them. Especially with the young moms with little kids who showed up looking like a million bucks. I was so not that mom when the girls were little.
Wonder if they'd appreciate having a pajama Bible study morning one of these weeks...
I, personally, would be all over a pajama Bible Study!
Posted by: Angie Platten | March 25, 2010 at 05:49 PM
So glad it went well! I have a few of the same problems when I speak/sing. But I also have the lovely addition of HUGE hives ALL over my neck, upper chest. It's awful! I usually want to wear a turtleneck but then I am burning up! And they are VERY noticeable. Ugh
And I know exactly what you mean about audience response. Nothing worse than singing/speaking to a group of people who are looking at you like "Go ahead and try to impress me."
God will bless that group and honor your obedience I am certain!
Posted by: Jen | March 25, 2010 at 05:57 PM
Wish I could have been there.
Posted by: Kimberly | March 25, 2010 at 07:33 PM
Sounds like a great group and a lot of fun... and contentment with moms of little ones...oh I think it is going to be good!
Posted by: rhonda | March 26, 2010 at 06:00 AM
I have the sweat issue as well and started using Certain Dry and it has helped me a bunch. It's a roll on you put on at night and then you are not supposed to have to use anything else...Overall I think it has worked pretty well for me, not a cure all, but a major improvement from using the regular stick deodorants.
Posted by: Aimee K. | March 26, 2010 at 06:52 AM
I would be game for the pj morning!! I think my kids would love it too!! It would certainly make it easier to get out the door!
Posted by: Kristy H | March 26, 2010 at 10:13 PM
Have a great Beth Moore weekend!!
Posted by: Kristy H | March 26, 2010 at 10:14 PM
Hehe! You crack me up. But you are not alone, I am such a nervous pee'er too!
Good luck with all your Bible study work!
Annie XX
Posted by: Annie | March 28, 2010 at 11:34 PM