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Angie Platten

I, personally, would be all over a pajama Bible Study!


So glad it went well! I have a few of the same problems when I speak/sing. But I also have the lovely addition of HUGE hives ALL over my neck, upper chest. It's awful! I usually want to wear a turtleneck but then I am burning up! And they are VERY noticeable. Ugh

And I know exactly what you mean about audience response. Nothing worse than singing/speaking to a group of people who are looking at you like "Go ahead and try to impress me."

God will bless that group and honor your obedience I am certain!


Wish I could have been there.


Sounds like a great group and a lot of fun... and contentment with moms of little ones...oh I think it is going to be good!

Aimee K.

I have the sweat issue as well and started using Certain Dry and it has helped me a bunch. It's a roll on you put on at night and then you are not supposed to have to use anything else...Overall I think it has worked pretty well for me, not a cure all, but a major improvement from using the regular stick deodorants.

Kristy H

I would be game for the pj morning!! I think my kids would love it too!! It would certainly make it easier to get out the door!

Kristy H

Have a great Beth Moore weekend!!


Hehe! You crack me up. But you are not alone, I am such a nervous pee'er too!

Good luck with all your Bible study work!

Annie XX

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