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« Memory Monday: Psalm 23:1 | Main | Sharing a room »


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Melissa @ Breath of Life

Isn't it amazing to see your girl growing in the Lord? I'm witnessing that with my 11 year old, too. Such a sweet time!


This is so awesome...isn't God SO good?! Man I love Him! And I love that your 11 year old daughter already has a desire to hear God's listen to His follow Him. Wow..what a privelege to raise Godly daughters...!


Amen! I'm thinkin' your blog should be called "the good Mom" :-) Isn't that our whole mission as mothers? To help our children find their missions and prepare them to accomplish them?



Gail @ Pandemonium in the Parsonage

I cannot wait to share such an event with my girlies! (The twins are nearly 8 and the baby is 5, so we need to wait a little longer.) I love, love, love that it was such a great time for her spirit. I love, love, love that she's learning to hear what God has to say to her. Specifically. So happy for you both!

Bobbie Lutz

She's open to hear Him, b/c you & Tobin have taught her to listen! What awesome parents you two are. It's been awhile since I've commented on your blog, but I want you to know that the wisdom you share, whether from your teaching, scripture memory, your family or your household hints speak to me VERY often. I love seeing 'The Simple Wife' appear in my Inbox!! You're a truly talented wife, Mom and friend to many!

I'm so glad you and Aubrey were able to see Beth in Tucson! Since we moved back to Texas I am enjoying being close enough to see her locally. My neighbor & I have been driving to Houston (72 miles)every Tuesday night for Beth's Tuesday night Bible study. What a blessing!

It seems like forever since the Siesta Fiesta in '08! Blessings to you and keep on lovin' those girls of yours--their beautiful, inside and out!
Bobbie Lutz
College Station, TX

Holly @ Crownlaiddown

Oh that is awesome...prayers spoken for a couple of years on your girl's behalf are being answered and unfolding in beauty. That gives me hope for my girl, who is needing prayer right now.


Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!
It is great that she has figured this out at the age of 11!


I have tears welling up in my eyes. I want this so much for my daughter when she gets older. Right now she's only 16 months old. This brings to mind a verse my mom always quoted to me--3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

Mary Ann

I love how you are teaching her to listen to His words just for her! What did He say to you?

meghan @ spicy magnolia

I love, love, love this!! I read your post about the event on Thursday or Friday of last week and eagerly waited in expectation to see what the Lord shared with Audrey, His Word just to her!

My son is only 14 months old, but even recently I was talking to him about listening to God and asking Him for a Scripture verse to use for our Easter cards. I hope to instill the same thing in Brennan as you are doing in Audrey and can't wait to see how it unfolds in Brennan's life, too. I'm so excited for precious Audrey...that's a moment that will stick with her!


i had to read it 4 times to find the typo. don't ask me to edit your next manuscript, ok? i could design the cover for you though....

No.17 CherryTreeLane

good job mom.
you have done well.


Praise the Lord! How exciting for you both.


How sweet and how exciting! My daughter just turned 11 and I would be praying the same thing for her! Love it.

Audrey Simmons

I love reading your blog! I've been reading it for a while now, but I don't think I've ever commented. This was so encouraging to me! I'm so thrilled for your family and for your daughter that she was preparing her heart!

I just wanted to thank you for being such an awesome mom to a kid like Audrey.

My name is Audrey, and I was homeschooled from 3rd grade on. I have six younger siblings and dying my hair pink was totally something I would have wanted to do when I was eleven; I was also eleven the first time my mom took me to a Joyce Meyer conference with her and I knew I heard something from God.

Keep on keeping on! And you probably already know this, but I'll say it anyway, maybe as much for myself as for you: The word of God sent forth will not return void, and I will almost guarantee that even if, God forbid, Audrey goes through some rough patch in her teenage years or even later, this and other things God has done for her/spoken to her will not be really forgotten. It'll be something returned to over and over again.

That's what I've found, anyway. :)

-From another Audrey

Joanne (The Simple Wife)

You all bless me so much. Thank you is such a small thing to say for the way you prayed for her to hear from the Lord that weekend. And since my blog comments were all being sent to my spam folder, I've been able to read them all at once in a huge batch. I am overwhelmed by your kindness, love, and encouragement.

You bless me and I love each one of you dearly!


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