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« Memory Monday: 2 Peter 1:10-11 | Main | My never-ending birthday »


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Wow! You are totally cool! Hope you had a very sweet birthday!!!



Wow! What a great picture - she is so beautiful! And yes, you are a cool mom!!

Marla Taviano

I LOVE it!! More pics please so I can show my girls!! (and give them ideas...)


And it is an awesome color on her, too!

Tiffany Morse

How fun!! I would so do that ...*I think*

Love you Joanne, have a wonderful day!


Kim Feth

Ok! God totally had you do that and share it to help me realize that my 9 y/o son's desire for blue hair is just a kid thing and it doesn't mean anything huge! Maybe he and I can start w/ the spray painted hair stuff.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

Cyndy Lavoie

A stunning way to celebrate beauty, femininity and living outside the box! Thanks for risking to do life with big picture vision! And you have started my day with a smile! Bless You!


yup you totally are a cool mom! :-) love it!

miss chris

I love it, Joanne. Love it! There will come a time in her life when pink hair is not something she can pull off -- but now? It's perfect. You did a super job, too.

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