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Oh girl...i'm so so proud of you!!! You just keep doing the thing and He'll do His great, big beautiful thing!!!!

Hugs and blessings~


Wow...this made me cry. I am getting ready to go to Belgium with a ministry team and I will be front of people!...about depression. This is not something I like to do. But I DO like to obey the Lord. So...there you go. As I'm reading your post I'm realizing that I am already talking myself out of doing what God has called me to do...speak. I'm already telling myself I"m going to do poorly...and that I won't make any sense...and that...and that...and that...!! So I'm reading your post. And I'm saying to myself, "I know how she feels! I feel the same way! I'm not alone!" Then...I get to the end...and you quote my most favorite scripture...Isaiah 43. Thank you for this post...the timing was perfect. xo

Know that you are blessing those you are teaching...sometimes we're just planting seeds....and we won't know the fruit. But that's long as you are in line with God, He will make sure it all works out as it's supposed to. xoxox


WOW, I stumbled across your blog- I love this, thank you!


I attended last night and I was truly blessed by your words and teaching. This is my very first time to ever attend one of the "Women's" Bible studies at Mission (after 4 yrs I am finally doing it) and I am really excited to walk through this one and hear and learn what the Lord has shown you to teach us. I think that it is awesome that the Lord has given you the gift to be able to write a study to help others grow closer to Him. How Cool! I love studying the Bible and discovering what God has to show me. I am anxious to find out what God has for me in Psalm 23. So, don't get discouraged. You are doing an awesome job!

Kristy H

You were wonderful on Thursday morning! The ladies in my group were excited! And a few of us moms were chatting about how great it was this morning at the park. Just the word we needed! Thanks for following God's direction.

Brynn in Co

Hmmmm...I'm not sure how I missed this post the first time around, but really it's more timely now. Thanks.

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