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Hey Joanne!

I was browsing around looking at everyone's Memory Monday verses and found your kind words about the Scripture Typer website. I built the website back in January, and I've been amazed at how it's taken off, and seems to be helping make Scripture Memory easier for so many people.

You're feedback is incredibly helpful, and I'm going to see If I can't program in some options to always type the verse reference, as well as to edit the built in verses. In the mean time, there are a couple of workarounds that can help accomplish what you're after:

1. To learn verse references, look for the 'verse reference test' link below your list of memory verses. This will randomly take you through all of the verses in your list, and have you type the reference, while looking at the text of the verse.

2. To edit a verse, hover over your name and go to 'My Scriptures'. Here you can type or import your own verses, and edit them however you like. All you have to do is type in the book, chapter and verse, choose the translation you want, then click 'import verse text' and it will pull it in for you. You may need to fix some of the formatting, and then pop your name in wherever you like :)

I hope these tips can keep you going while I'm working on those changes you suggested. Thanks again for sharing the site with others in your post today. May we all be filled with His word!



Helen at A Work of Heart

Joyous Birthday Blessings to you Joanne...what a gift you are!


Lisa notes...

Thanks, Joanne, for leading us to Scripture Typer. I'll definitely check it out.

And thanks, Brett, for the extra tips. We all appreciate help in getting the Word into us.

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Praying for your Psalm 23 study--I'm sure it will be a blessing to many.


Thanks for the info on Scripture Typer. I usually love to write out my verses, but this round I am just strickly using the Bible to memorize. It has worked well and I am able to visualize the words and columns and stuff by sticking with the printed text rather than my own handwriting. Hope that makes sense.


Thanks for telling about the Scripture Typer.

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I love that tool...thanks so much for the tip!

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