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Lisa notes...

My verses this week had the same thought as yours:
"But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting..."

And I'm thankful, too. Hope your ankle makes a quick recovery today!

My post is here:


I did that 'foot asleep' thing IN CHURCH one time!! We had a long service and THEN a member meeting. I sat with my legs crossed until we were dismissed. I popped right up, anxious to be out of the chair and made it as far as the aisle where I promptly fell down. OHHHHHHHH that was embarrassing!


Oh, so sorry to hear about your ankle! I twisted mine a week ago, cleaning cobwebs out of the garage. Hobbling is no fun, and requires much patience. It's a good reminder to pray for patience and thank God for the strength he has given me.
Happy hobbling, my blogging friend

Sarah Canfield

Yes! Karate Kid!

I had to use the ankle brace for the first couple weeks of working out. That and lots of ibuprofen :)


I've always been afraid of twisting my ankle when my foot is asleep! Yeee-owww!

And I totally read the title wrong, and was waiting to see what kind of "hobbying" you've been doing lately. I couldn't figure out why you were talking about your ankle. Me = nerd.

Kim Feth

I hope your ankle feels better soon! I hope your pride didn't hurt as much as your ankle. I've had that type of injury, as well.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

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