Here's how we do spelling around here on a sunny day...
And when that got old yesterday, we moved on to chalk. (We did LOTS of spelling yesterday.) Toben came home to a driveway covered in spelling words, along with a few happy faces and random pictures.
When it's not so nice, we do spelling bees. The girls loved Akeelah and the Bee--and so did I. (If you haven't seen it, do!) It made them decide that spelling is kind of fun and makes it seem more like a game than school.
I love spelling. Always have. In fact, in the fifth grade I won the all-school (that's K-12) spelling bee. It's the only trophy I ever won. Unless you count the one our dog Obie (short for Obadiah) won for the Mongrel Marathon at the dog track when I was in the third or fourth grade.
Do you have any trophies?
I received a trophy years ago for being the best 11-12 year old girl on the Turlock Swim Team.
Posted by: Vicki | March 23, 2010 at 08:01 AM
Oh I love these ideas! We love that movie too. We need to watch it again actually! I think we shall take our chalk outside next week for spelling - assuming it doesn't snow!
Posted by: wendy | March 23, 2010 at 09:13 AM
Great idea. My friend also post the spelling word on paper on the outside of a glass shower door and her boys practice while in the shower.
Posted by: Kimberly | March 23, 2010 at 10:50 AM
I love it! We have a glass table on our patio and we've been known to use dry erase markers and study spelling that way.
I have trophies. I'm not athletic in any shape, form or fashion, but I have Bible Quiz trophies. I competed back in middle and high school.
We would be assigned a passage (in the King James Version mind you!) about a week before the competition. We had to read it, study it and then answer random questions about it at the competition.
I loved it! But I remember there was one guy who beat me out of First Place every single time. I can still see his face and hope that he is a professor at some seminary now! :)
Posted by: Dori | March 23, 2010 at 01:31 PM
I LOVE spelling too and so do my girls!! Great idea using the chalk. I'm going to do that right after snack time. :o)
Posted by: Solidia | March 24, 2010 at 09:02 AM