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I heard a quote that doesn't *quite* fit your experience, but is pretty groovy just the same.... "Coincidences are miracles where God chooses to be anonymous".

I am making a consistent effort to have some SILENCE each day with the expectation of hearing God's whisper.

Marla Taviano

Just got done telling my hubby (he just got home from Tennessee) that our pastor's message this morning confirmed what I'm supposed to write next. :)

You're such a kindred spirit.


Just LOVE when He does that - and He does, often. I am currently reading a series by Lynn Austin on the Kings - in the second book right now. They are SO good. Right now it is about the life of Hezekiah, the things he did to return to God, why he and his people got into the condition they are in, etc. I am also doing Breaking Free for the 2nd time (in MANY years) - and where is Beth? In Isaiah, and the kings. I hear God whispering to me about the things I have allowed, the things I have set up as idols, the places I turn instead of Him, and many more things. Amazing, His gentle ways of placing us on the narrow path...



I just bopped in from 22 Words, and took a brief scroll though your top few posts. Our pastor (out of the blue) also taught on Psalm 23 yesterday, and it was really pertinent to what we were going through that day. He said "It's a lot easier to choose Jesus be our Savior than to take Him as our Shepherd." Our need for His salvation is so obvious sometimes, but we still want to put our trust in ourselves and follow our own path rather than trust Him and His leading.

I think I'll try to point my wife to your blog, as it seems like it might be an encouragement to her. We homeschool too, and it's been a blessing, though things have been rough lately.

God bless you as you live and serve him through your family, church, and various ministries!



Thank you for writing this posting today, I needed to hear it. God bless you :)


I think you are more content than you realize as I notice your header has not changed in a while. It may be little, but I know when I am not content, I try to change all the little things especially when I know I can't change the big things! Thanks for the encouragement today!

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