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I am off to Farmville with my friend, Lori. Longwood Univ is in Farmville. Shawn is attending LU. We will see him, but only for dinner tonight and dinner tomorrow night. He's prez of the fishing club (or vice prez??) and they have a tournament tomorrow. Lori and I are going to spend the day shopping. TONS of antique stores and furniture stores in Farmville. We're heading down today around noon, with a stop for Chick-fil-a. That's my Friday. Enjoy yours!





Gail @ Pandemonium in the Parsonage

I need a friend who works for 3M. I love me some post-its. In all shapes and colors.

Tiffany Morse

I too am a post it's teacher!! It is awesome and it helps me so much!! I also wanted to ask you if you would let me do your homework too!! I would love love love to work through it when you give it to your class!! Love you Joanne!


Thanks for the reminder that you are are still writing and studying on Fridays. I was wondering. I will continue to pray.

After work (done Fridays at 1:30-yeah!), I need to:
get all the paper in my backseat to a paper drive
transport my teenager to a babysitting job and teen game night at the library (temp dropped from low 60's to the low 30's with a hefty wind--no fun for walking)
pay a few bills
go to a baked potato dinner and the movie "Faith like Potatoes" with our ladies from church
hopefully spend a little time with my hubby
also, I would love to prepare to hang the new blinds and a picture I bought recently--planned for tomorrow


Go, girl, go. :0)


Breakfast for kids
Make phone calls while Andrew does his Math test
Take Andrew to his first job feeding the pastor's dog
Friends comes over to watch kids while I grocery shop
Unload Groceries
Friday trip to the Library
Neighborhood outdoor movie at dusk...hope the kids make it that late.
Thank God for providing for our every need...found out my husband will be home from Africa early!
Happy Weekend.


Haven't read your blog in awhile. It is a snowy day, my kids are napping, my husband is out of town,and I am enjoying coffee. By friday I am ready for some down time after working, homeschooling, and all the other mom duties. Heard you are staying in AZ another year. Are you homeschooling too? Saw that you are running..Good for you. I need to be inspired again to workout. All the years have caught up to me and now I am unmotivated. Went to Mary P with the Janna crowd and thought of you--you would have been there. Take care.

Kim Feth

Sleep in until 6:00 AM.
Shower, get ready breakfast.
Drive to school/work w/ the boy.
Work at payroll, HR, orders for teachers, stuff my principal wants, etc.
Drive home
3.2 mile bike ride
Make brownies and put in oven
Shower while brownies bake
Get brownies out and cut them up
Drive me and the boy to Church Family Group
Have fun with church family
Get home and read blogs (yours included)
Talk with husband.
Getting ready to collapse in bed
And tomorrow: ROBOT RUMBLE at a local museum with tickets I got for free!

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