I taught the last week's study for Psalm 23 at church last night, and just as soon as I say hello to you here, I'm off to get showered and ready to teach the last week's study for the Thursday morning gals at church. I can hardly believe this is week 6.
As I was sharing with the gals last night, I am not the same person I was six weeks ago. Journeying through Psalm 23 for the past six weeks--both in study and in real life as God has taught me each lesson in preparation to teach it--has changed me. And isn't that what Bible study should do? Change us so we are not the same as we were before?
It's been a journey of incredibly hard work, of coming face to face with my own insecurity and learning to put it off, of sacrifice, of obedience, of learning some hard things about myself, of rejecting self-sufficiency once and for all, of embracing dependence, of restoration, of hearing God speak each and every day.
I have long believed that God speaks to me. But these past six weeks, we've had a nonstop conversation. Some of those conversations have been fun, some have been encouraging, some have been eye-opening, and some have been God saying things that have been hard to hear.
I love that he speaks and I love that he's allowed me to speak on his behalf. I don't for a minute forget what a privilege and responsibility that is.
I'm anxious to see what this next season brings. I have some hints of where we're going and I'm excited for the journey to continue in a new stage. Toben and I have some things to work on together. I'm seeking balance. I'm realizing that I am more comfortable talking about rest than actually resting. I'm wondering about pressing into Sabbath once more.
And so I'm looking forward. Thankful for what is just about past. Ready to follow where my Shepherd leads next.