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« Memory Monday: All of Psalm 23 | Main | Monday-ing »


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I know your ladies were blessed. Thank you for being His mouthpiece.


The study was great! You did an awesome job! Not only do I now know Psalm 23 by memory but God spoke, confirmed already known truths, and reviled new ones as well. So Cool! Thanks for allowing Him to use you to teach His Word! I was truly blessed by you.

Helen at A Work of Heart

Wow Joanne...I am writing this comment and right next to the box is your button from the Spiritual Mothering book club...I am sure that there was some mothering done as you taught and in many ways God gave birth to the study that your hands wrote...and in parenting our children...we always learn so much ourselves...I am sure this was what has become known as a win-win...may you bask in the peace of a season well done...thanks for taking us on this journey with you even if we were sitting in the seats each week.

Kim Feth

I once heard a minister speaking about the 3 wise men stopped by Herod on their way to see Jesus, and there's a verse in one of the gospels that says, essentially, 'and when they departed, they left by another way', indicating that they didn't want to cross paths with Herod again. But this minister's point was that when you genuinely encounter Christ, you can't ever go back the path you came. Because you are changed! And you MUST leave by another path. Your post reminded me of that teaching.
We are also re-visiting teachings about the Sabbath at our house. For the first time in 3 years my husband has a Monday through Friday, 8-5 job instead of retail management hours. We have decided we will not be eating out at restaurants because if people who think it's important to be in church stop eating out, then maybe the restaurants would open later and those people could attend church as well. We're taking a closer look at all of the other commerce we transact on a Sunday, as well.
I'm sharing this to say, sometimes it's nice to know we're not alone. Our journeys aren't identical, but they are on the same path.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC

Joanne (The Simple Wife)

Kim: It is nice to know we're not alone. Thanks for sharing how you're rethinking the Sabbath at your house. Toben and I had a conversation about this just yesterday. Wondering how to make it more of a day of rest--different from Saturday, different from any other day. What kind of preparation would be required.

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