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Precious. I remember this from last year.


Yes, yes, yes and yes. This is a great way to put it...Beth Moore is always so right on. Full...I can handle FULL. Like you said, it's a season. Before I know it my boys will be grown and I'll long for a Little League game to watch! But for now we run here and run together when we can...continue my education at night and on ministry the's full. But it's full of really good things...


Thanks for the words of encouragement! Yes, life does seem so full at time, especially with company coming today and so much to be done. But I can be thankful for the fullness of family and faith during this season.

Kathleen  Jaeger

Full instead of busy...I resound with a YES! My life has been full. Full of things that are suppose to be here. Full to where I am exhausted today. Don't know if I can keep taking steps forward if I look too much ahead. But just taking it one step at a time. It feels different than frantic,crazy busy (which may look the same on the outside) but one has peace to it. Thanks for the encouragement.

Joanne (The Simple Wife)


Yes, one has peace. The other? Frantic. Crazy, even. I love that distinction.



You did this last year and I totally forgot to do it with my kids...I really want to remember for next year.


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