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I love that you share your real thoughts with us... good for you.


It is through our vulnerabilities that others can see Jesus' grace clearly. Thank you for sharing. As hard as you was for you to open up and become exposed,it was equally a blessing to those of us who heard it. It confirms that all of us are super messy people in need of a big clean up by our God. Love you girl- dirty hair and all. Hahaha.


Amen...sharing with others is the very reason we have struggles...and issues...and hardships. So that we can move through them, have victory (or at least something real close...we're never perfect), then let others know there's HOPE!


I was just thanking the Lord this morning for the women in my life who have "been there, done that, got the battle scars" and then shared both their battle and God's faithfulness with me through the years. Authentic transparency is a mighty tool, especially among us women. Thanks for the encouragement today.


Just wanted to say hi! Hope you are well!

Kimberly Voskuil Smith

Reminds me of the Only Desperate Housewives episode with any redeeming qualities (I don't watch it on a regular sorry if I offended anyone). Lynnette mother of 4 kids gets overwhelmed and addicted to pain killers. She has a breakdown in a soccer field the other "housewives" gather around to comfort her by sharing their motherhood failures. In the middle of the conversation Lynnette says in tears, "why did you not tell me, how you struggled I thought I was the only one. We have to tell each other." It is easily to look good the few times a week we see the ladies from church. I tell my friend who lives a block away from me (I stop in uninvited all the time) warms my heart to see the dead flowers in front of your house and that you are still in your Pjs at 2:00 in the afternoon schooling your boys. Of course these are surface revelations, but none of us has it all together otherwise why would we need the Lord our Savior.

Now on to breakfast of blueberries and cottage cheese. Here is a healthy, low cal, high protein smoothie I have been drinking it to take my vitamins with everyday. I call it the Amy Jackson Smoothie (named after the friend mentioned above)

1/4 c fat free cottage cheese
1/4 c egg whites
2 packages of stevia
1/2 c frozen blueberries
1/3 frozen banana
1/4 c skim milk

Blend until smooth.


Oh, such a convicing post. Thanks for sharing. I am guilty, guilty, guilty of wanting everyone to think I have it all together(Although I don't know how many times I successfully pull off that image) Then I end up falling apart to my husband the only person who knows that I don't always shower everyday and the bed is never made and I don't get to my quiet time every day. Well, I guess you all know all that now. Whew, huge weight lifted, :) Have a Great Day! You are very encouraging and I love reading!



Glad to hear that Thursday morning was not as difficult for you. I prayed for you during the time that I knew you were teaching that morning. I love reading your blog. You are an encouragement to me.

I am looking forward to what the Lord has to share through you during the rest of this study. Thanks for your time that you study so you can share with all of us that attend.

Marla Taviano

Kindred spirits, you and me. Love you, friend!


Hope you have a productive day writing. The world does not need perfect people, but the perfect Savior that we point to. A lesson we would all be the better for remembering:) Thanks for sharing.


I know this post was a while ago, but I really needed it today, and I'm so glad I checked in on you! I've been asked to share as the speaker at a women's thing in a few weeks, and it's causing me some major anxiety! But I'm so excited and definitely feeling like sharing my story is what I need and what God is requiring of me for these women. Thanks so much for the encouragement!

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