First, Memory Monday. As a Bible study group, we're up to verse 4 in Psalm 23. I'm using the Scripture Typer over there on the sidebar and loving it. One thing I like? It makes you learn the punctuation too. Weird, but true. I love a good semi-colon!
I can hardly believe there are only two more weeks of this study. God has been so amazing throughout it all. It's been hard, but GOOD. I have learned so much in the midst of writing and teaching and doing the homework myself.
It's still a little weird to be doing one week's homework, preparing for the next week's lesson, and writing the homework for still a week ahead of that. Sometimes I'm just not sure where I am! But I am loving it.
God's Word is timely. He is never caught off guard, taken by surprise, or left scrambling. He works EVERYTHING together just so. He is good. And he just keeps getting bigger and bigger to me.
I think I mentioned that I love to feel small. It makes me feel safe and secure. So for him to get bigger means I get smaller and more and more secure. After teaching last Thursday morning, my darling friend told me she had to tell me something. I could tell it would make me cry from the way she said it. And I was already on the brink of tears, having felt like I made it through teaching without crying--just barely.
She leaned in close and said, "You looked small up there today." That's when I lost it. But not in a bad way. Sometimes the truth is that the ugly cry is beautiful.
The girls and I peeled out of the parking lot on Thursday and headed for the airport. We flew to Denver to see my newest nephew, baby Levi. It was a whirlwind trip and we were back in Arizona by bedtime on Saturday.
(If you're in Denver, know that I wanted to see you, but the timing just didn't work. I needed to sit and hold a baby for a day and a half. To talk with my mom and sister. To watch my girls play with their cousins. We'll be back in Denver this summer for a longer visit--definitely a coffee date then!)
Not sure what this week holds. More Bible study writing and preparation. School with the girls. Work with Toben. I'm not sure how much I'll be around here/Twitter/Facebook/my Google reader inbox.
We're in a hard place in some ways right now, and in the midst of doing what needs to be done, God is teaching me to wait. To be still. To listen hard. To surrender. To trust.
It takes a lot of energy to be still.
So, what's up with you?
Your last sentence proved just how small you've gotten..."it takes a lot of energy to be still." True. That.
Love the pic of baby Levi!
Loving you from Virginia!
Posted by: Susan | April 19, 2010 at 07:33 AM
Your new nephew is perfect...I love his name, Levi. If I'd had a third boy that would have been his name, too!
Posted by: Michelle | April 19, 2010 at 07:51 AM
You are doing such a great work! I am inspired by your posts and was touched by your desire to be small. I've never really thought about it that way but, it is inviting to me.
It does take a lot of work to be still!
Hope you have a wonderful week doing His work!
Posted by: Cindy Cruse | April 19, 2010 at 08:03 AM
This is a completely tangential comment. My 3 daughters have the same pajamas as your little miss. A little miss who looked completely precious holding that bundle of baby love.
Posted by: Gail @ Pandemonium in the Parsonage | April 19, 2010 at 08:12 AM
Hooray for a BIG God and a little Levi! Love you, friend!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | April 19, 2010 at 08:15 AM
Trying to heal from the hurt of leaving my church of ten years. I would have thought by now (almost a year) I would be done, but it seems I am not. This weekend revealed old wounds that run deep. Yep, that is what I am going to do this week:)
Posted by: rhonda | April 19, 2010 at 09:24 AM
Regarding feeling small, let me share one of my long-time favorite verses, John 3:30: He must become greater; I must become less. (Please note that this is from LESlie)
I have been focusing on how big God is lately as well. I read Job 26:14 this past week and love it! ". . . Who can understand the thunder of His power?"
I have missed you! But I understand busy and baby holding: I have been chasing around getting my 15-year-old to her activities, and third grandchild is due this week!
Posted by: Leslie | April 19, 2010 at 10:00 AM
Good afternoon. I have my Memory Monday post up.
God bless as you continue your study. Teaching is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. I'm preparing to speak at a luncheon on May 1st, and I feel too small for the task. Lots of adversity in my life right now, so the Lord has humbled me in preparation for this task.
Posted by: Liz | April 19, 2010 at 10:07 AM
I am good and in a good IS hard to wait. I hope to see you this summer, friend!
Congrats to your sister and family...praise God for this new addition!
Posted by: Holly @ Crownlaiddown | April 19, 2010 at 10:49 AM
My oldest son is Levi! How wonderful that you are enjoying a baby Levi, too! Although, it seems awhile since he was that little since he is 11 now.
Thanks for sharing about feeling small and knowing that God is working through you then. I always learn most when people share what's really going on. Thanks!
Posted by: Kathleen Jaeger | April 19, 2010 at 11:46 AM
"It takes a lot of energy to be still." That has stuck with me today. Very profound, Joanne!
I'm glad your study has gone well in Psalm 23. It sounds so profitable.
My week's verse is here about biting my tongue and speaking gifts of grace. Hard to do sometimes...
Posted by: Lisa notes... | April 19, 2010 at 02:32 PM
Hard places reveal the soft lap of God...praying you are finding your way often as is needed.
We won't go away...take the time you need.
Posted by: Helen at A Work of Heart | April 22, 2010 at 07:39 PM