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Wow, their room looks small, especially for sharing.


Totally understand the schoolroom thing. The first two years we schooled at home it was the dinning room table then I converted the family room to a schoolroom. Loved you tweet about no shower in two days w/running. I can so relate...I smell now too! Off to take a shower!


Cool room! Sharing can be hard, specially for girls (I grew up with a sister and, at times, it was not easy). Sharing is also a good thing though. I believe it helps make us and shape us into better adults. We also do "school" at the dining room table. We just get it out and put it away everyday. It works for us, for now. Glad to hear the new set up is working for you. That is what matters.

Marla Taviano

I have fond memories of sleeping in that room! (it's Audrey's old one, right?) All 3 of our girls shared a room for quite awhile and loved it. Now Livi has her own room, but they all end up sleeping together at least 4 nights a week.

Joanne (The Simple Wife)

Leslie, Yes, it is small for sharing. But they mostly sleep and read in there, so it's working. We have a really small house in this season, but surprisingly, we all are liking it that way. Feels close in a good way.

Amy, Yep, the dining room worked well for a while, but the days when we just felt like we needed to shut the door on school were hard. So this is working for now, and we'll be flexible if that changes.

Marla, You got it! Wanna come spend the night again. BTW, met your friend Joy at church last week after Bible study. Such a small world!


Erin W.

Hi Joanne...I haven't posted her in ages it feels like and am just catching up with you. Love the girls rooms: ) BTW...where did you get their frames? LOVE them!
Arvada, CO

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