I'm speaking next week at the One conference by A Woman Inspired. The good news is that as long as my jammies are cute, I think I can do it in my pjs. The conference is entirely online and I can sit in my chair with my computer and not even have to drive anywhere. Pretty cool, huh?
You can learn more about the conference here.
I'm talking about expectations and realities. Here's the little blurb:
Most of us grow up with great expectations about what being married will be like. We dream and plan and hope for the day when we will ride off into the sunset with Prince Charming and live happily ever after. We buy into the fairy tales and romance novels and assume that once we find the “right” guy, everything will fall into place. Somehow we imagine ourselves as a bride forever. Then we wake up and see a wife in the mirror. Where do our expectations come from? What are those expectations? And what do we do when reality doesn’t quite match them?
If you'd like to come (you can wear your jammies too!), the cost is $12.95 and you can register here. And find the schedule here.