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Its a great gift from God great Colors :-)

Susan Smith

I love it. The cactus. The thoughts. The revelations. Oh, and I love you.

As always, you speak what I need to hear and what I need to do.




Hey girl.
Loved this:)

The desert is indeed a good place to be...hard but good place:)

Beautiful pictures too!




I know what you mean about the desert growing on you. We have lived in AZ about 4 1/2 years, about 3 hours south east of Phoenix, and it has sort of grown on me. My son would definitely say he it has grown on him. He is current going to school in Virgina and thinks it is prettier here. I am skeptical but everyone is entitled to their opinion. The picture are so pretty I just had to comment.


Beautiful pics:)

Debbie Mitchell

The beauty of being in the desert - there's a book in that Joanne!
Living in The Emerald Isle, I am a very far cry from the desert but I can tell you - we over here sometimes wish for more dryness and heat!!

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